Dec 29, 2021


Close your cellphone if you don't expect an important call, close the windows on your monitor that is not about your work, close your playstation, close the TV, close the refrigerator and avoid eating junk foods, close everything that will destroy your life. It's simply about closing everything that is not helping you to evolve. Close your door to people who are toxic, close your heart to people who are just using you. It's time to close everything that will never help you to evolve. Stop caring about what other people are doing and focus on yourself, focus on becoming great. Discipline is the key to success, drop everything that is making you slow and rusty, throw away the unnecessary things and habits, you have to know and accept what will help you even if it's not fun at all. 

What is fun will never help you, what is easy will never get you on top. Embrace boredom, embrace hard work and sacrifices. It is what it is, you're asking for growth right? then face all the consequences of it, accept that it's going to get brutal and nasty. You must be willing to pay the price if you want to have a better life. Focus on yourself, focus every second trying to build habits and mindset that will take you further. Never mind what's going on around you and create a new world that will make you successful. You want to become successful right? you want to have everything, you want to experience bigger things then be willing to drop everything that is not pushing you to the top. Making sacrifices will get the job done, it's the only thing that will take you to another level. 

Make it simple, make your life simple and evolving everyday. If you want to become fit then just focus on exercise and eating healthy foods. If you want to become rich then just focus on earning money, if you want to become smart then just focus on reading books. Never do anything stupid that will only pull you down. Never be stuck in a mud, just push and push and push and never quit when the going gets hard. If you really want it then be ready to change everything. Close everything that you need and try to reach the top, reach the sky, drop everything that is a burden to your journey. Close your mind to negativity, close your mind to thoughts about defeat. Close your life to laziness and procrastination, close your life to anything that's not helping you to grow.

Everything you do, everyone you talk must be helping you to move forward. Never give time and energy to people who's not making you feel better. Always choose the people and activities that will give you more energy to do more things. It is what it is, if you need to drop toxic friends so be it, if you need to stop your favorite hobby so be it. Choose what's helping you to grow. 

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