Mar 28, 2020


There is always a way, there is always a right path waiting for you, all you have to do is move, keep moving forward until you find it, every time you stop... you will get lost. So keep moving forward because every step is the right step. Sometimes you will feel like lost, you will feel that you're being stupid but don't ever feel that way because just like what I've said... you're on the right path every time you are moving forward. If you can't move because you feel so overwhelmed and scared... just do something, even if it's a weak and mediocre move... still do it, that will give you momentum. Ugly start can give you a momentum, don't be afraid to look like a fool, don't be afraid to look funny. It's alright, the purpose of your movement is to become confident a little bit and just make a small progress. Just do it, don't be scared to make mistakes, every action is the right action, every action with strong intention will lead you to a right path. Never think that your efforts will be wasted, just take actions and give your very best. All you have to do is move and you will see the right path. You can move anytime, you can move anywhere... nothing can stop you if you will force yourself to take actions.

Just move and the right way will show up later, make a lot of mistakes, get lost, don't be afraid to try something new. Just keep moving forward and you will arrive at your desired destination, if you know where you are going to... you will get there, as simple as that. All you have to do is move now, stop waiting for the perfect timing because it will never come, stop waiting for the good feelings to run in your body before you start, you have to start now, start fast and finish strong. Take massive massive actions so you will get massive results. Stop making excuses, continue to move forward all the time, stop thinking that you are wrong, stop judging yourself. Believe in yourself and the process that you are doing.

You can take it slowly if you are getting tired, you can stop now and rest for a while but don't ever quit. Don't ever think about looking for an easy way out. You already felt the hardship, you already felt the difficulty, there is no going back now, you have to keep pushing until you become successful. Every path is the right path, every action is the right action, whatever positive thing you are doing now is right, all you have to do is continue and give your very best every single day. Because if you really want it then you will find a way, and even if there is no way... you will create your own way, nothing can stop you, no obstacle can ever stun you or freeze you, you will keep pushing and fighting for what you want because you really believe that you deserve it. 

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