Mar 26, 2020


Just when you thought it's over, just when you thought everything is fine and cool... fear is here again, and it's scaring you one more time again. Fear is the partner of life, without fear life isn't normal. We created our own fear by believing it and we can also destroy it by disbelieving it. So don't ever think that you're already fearless, don't ever think that nothing can scare you anymore, stay humble because there is not such thing as a man without fear. You will feel fear over and over again but you can stay calm while feeling it. It will visit your life time and time again so don't get shock when you're feeling it right now. Fear is normal, you will feel it every now and then even if you're the president of the united states. Life is all about facing your fears and finding a way how to thrive in a situation that is ruled by fear. Breathe and keep moving forward, enjoy your fear, learn how to embrace it so that it will go anytime soon. The only way to defeat it is to accept that you are scared and still enjoy it. Taking actions even if scared will erase your fears, never allow fear to freeze you, you need to fight, force yourself to move and forget about tomorrow or later, never anticipate any event, learn to live now, enjoy the now and fear will st art to go away.

Because you're just a human being, fear is an indicator that you're just a human. Don't be ashamed if you're scared, Your fear will be lessen if you will forget about what will happen next, focus on taking actions and have no regrets every time you make a mistake, you're just a human being and you are allowed to make wrong decisions. Something will always make you uncomfortable and that is pretty scary but if you can tell yourself that you are ok being uncomfortable then it will be easier to conquer fears, it will be easier to win in life. Winning is all about facing the discomfort and moving forward. Just accept that fear will always be there, it is nothing new, it is part of your life so don't worry about it, don't feel shaken whenever you are scared, learn to embrace it and still give your best while moving forward. No fear can ever top you if your mind is fixated to winning, no fear can ever put you down, you just have to deal with it and learn how to play with it. The more you resist fear the more it's going to scare you, just learn how to move with it, learn to adapt with it and live with it, life will become easier if you put it that way.

After succeeding you will become scared again, after solving a problem you're going to become scared again, fear will never leave your life. It is what it is, fear will never leave you, there will always be another level of fear after you conquered another, that is how life was designed, but if you will focus more on what you want then fear will never bother you, you will not even notice it. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to express yourself, face your fears and live your life. 

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