Mar 24, 2020


If you want your dreams to come alive then you need to ignore the world. The world is disturbing you, it's trying to steal your time, you need all of your time if you really want your dreams to become real. You have to detach your mind from anything that is useless, disconnect from subjects that only waste your time. You have to be smart in using your time. The little clicks of different websites, checking of messages, arguing with unknown people in facebook, playing games, following celebrities and athletes were only making your life miserable and you don't know it. It's crushing your dreams, it's making you small, every time you give your time to a random activity that will not help you grow... you are destroying your ambitions.

Ignore the world, become weird if you need to. You need to be strict with your time, enjoy your work, enjoy what you're doing. Focus on yourself and focus on becoming better each day. Because the world will wait for you but your dreams never will. Your dream is always getting harder to get every time you procrastinate and waste a lot of time. The time to start is now, the time to change is now, and you can only change your life if you are willing to get uncomfortable by ignoring the things that are not helping you to grow. Focus is what's lacking in your life, you need to have a laser focus if you want to get ahead in life. Focus on what you want and not on what you don't want, focus on things that are making you grow. Never give any attention to gossips, negativity, news, fake news, etc. Never submit your power to something that is manipulating you.

Your dream is demanding a lot of your time, it is demanding, it is like a sexy hot girl who needs a special love and treatment or else it will reject you. Because the only way to strength and happiness is focusing on your own life and not with other people's lives. You will only experience greatness and freedom if you don't care about what the world is doing and focus on your own journey instead. It's not that you don't care if your house is burning, it's not like that. You just don't care about the stupidity and nonsense activities of other people, you hate things that doesn't help you evolve.

Your life is just a one time thing, if you really want to experience a different kind of life then you need to enjoy yourself and make yourself everyday, make yourself better each day, it's going to get harder and harder but that is what great people do... they overcome any difficulty, they do what is hard, they discipline themselves and they never waste any single second because they just knew that time is money, time is gold, time is success. Every second is an opportunity to become great. Everyday is a chance to make themselves much better than yesterday. 

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