Mar 6, 2020


Stop procrastinating, how many times have we heard this phrase? stop being lazy and just do it. But we can't move, we are so lazy, we feel so heavy and sometimes we are even making excuses that we are sick just to avoid taking actions. But the truth is you can really just do it, you can start it anytime you want to, the reason why you can't do it is because you don't have the right trigger to force you to take actions. What if you use your laziness as your trigger? what if every time you feel lazy and sleepy then you will just do it? I'm sure it's possible because I've done it already. Every time I feel so lazy and wanting to make excuse my mind is saying: "that's it!. that's the signal we've been waiting for to move!" and my body is suddenly moving like a miracle. The key here is to know your feelings, be aware of what you're thinking and just move whenever you feel lazy, it's like a sense of urgency, whenever you feel wanting to make excuses... your brain take a fast shift from waiter to doer. You just do it without conscience, you just do it regardless of how you feel.

The best time to start is when you don't want to start, always think that you are growing and becoming a batter person every time you fight your laziness. And that is the reality... you become better, tougher, smarter and more experienced every time you fight your laziness, you are taking your mental toughness to another level. You just don't care, you will just move, you don't care about the results, you don't care about being perfect... you just do it regardless of what might happen next. You're like a machine, nothing can stop you.

So every time you feel lazy, think of it as the best time to start. It's an urgency, attached the feeling of laziness with a sense of urgency, think that your life will go down and will become miserable if you don't move, think that nothing will happen to you and you will become very poor if you didn't take actions. So just do it now and have no conscience while doing it. Push yourself, stop trying to look perfect, stop trying to feel good, you will never feel good unless you start. If you really want to feel good then take actions, as simple as that. The reason why you don't feel good and stressed is because you want to do something but you are stopping yourself from doing it.

The idea here is to stop pampering your laziness, you really need to force yourself. Think about negative things that will happen if you don't review your lessons: Your mom will evict you from the house, you will become a garbage collector, your crush will get turned off on you, etc. Think about the worse situations that will happen if you don't do the right thing. 

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