Mar 21, 2020


The love of your life should be your life, it should be yourself, love yourself and you will win. The reason why you can't become successful and happy is because you don't love yourself enough, you are not doing everything to give yourself a good life. You know what makes you fail but you still keep on engaging on those activities, you know what makes you weak but you still pretend to be blind and get addicted with activities and things that doesn't serve your life.

If you really love yourself then you will never follow your bully friend to do something that you don't like, you will just go home and do your home work, or do some other things that will make you grow. If you love yourself then you know if what you eat is enough, even if there are lots of delicious food inside the refrigerator... you will control yourself and just focus on your diet. If you love yourself then you will make yourself rich and powerful so that you won't be scared of any frightening things that may happen in your life, if you really love yourself then you will protect your mind from toxic friends and news. If you love yourself then you will work hard so that you will grow and become rich so that you will have a lot of options in your life. More money equals more options, but you can't have a lot of money if you don't love yourself, you can only grow and become rich if you will use your time for your own journey and not give it randomly to different kinds of entertainment that will only make you a bum.

The love of your life should be yourself, if you want to give love to others then you need to love yourself first. You need to know what you really want, loving yourself also means not listening to what other people say, you're not affected by their comments and suggestions. You know who you are, you know what you want and you're confident in anything that you do. You don't care about something that is trying to manipulate your mind, you don't care about things that makes you feel bad and weak, you're simply focus on trying to get better everyday and trying to live a much better and richer life. Because the truth is... you will be on a state of abundance if you will focus on loving yourself.

So do the things that will make you evolve, never give your time and energy to people who and things that are not even contributing to your growth. You know what works and you know what does not, it's time to wake up and do the right thing if you want to have a happier and easier life. It takes courage to face the truth, sometimes you have to be alone to discover yourself and what you really want. Always remember that you don't need anything to be happy, all you need is yourself, everything else is just a bonus. 

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