Mar 3, 2020


If you care too much, you will never reach your goal. Stop caring about the things that are only making you feel bad. Toxic friends, a random person who disrespect you, a troll in social media, traffic, problems in your country, your parents disapproving your dreams, problems in money, what is lacking in your life etc. etc. Stop caring and just move forward, you need to be taking actions so that you will feel much better. Ignore all the resistance, ignore everything that is stopping you and just take actions, free yourself. Never think that you're wrong, never think about the outcome and simple take it one step at a time. Results will come later for sure, all you have to do is keep pushing yourself to the limits until you finally defeat the challenge.

If you care too much you will never take actions, you will become conservative, you will focus on the external things surrounding you and you will never be able to express yourself honestly. You will always rush, you will never be in the moment and appreciate what's going on. Life is simple moving forward and enjoying the journey, you don't need to think too much you just need to do what you want to do. If you want success then stop caring too much about the things around you and focus on what you want, give your energy to it. The process will become easier if you will just enjoy life and move forward, there is nothing to worry about. The future is not real, real life is happening now.

You can destroy any kind of resistance if you will stop caring, just do what you think is right and forget about getting judged, stop judging yourself that you are wrong, it's going to be a lot easier if you will trust yourself and the process that you're doing. Just move forward, you can do something, you can make yourself better, you can't be on your original position as yesterday, you can make significant progress if you want to. Stop rushing and just enjoy what you can do, enjoy your feelings, enjoy what is happening around and immediately block the negative thoughts that are trying to enter your mind.

The only thing you need to be worrying about is your life, loved ones, job, money, friends. No need to worry about anything else. Make your life simple, ignore what you don't need, ignore what doesn't make you grow and simply move forward. Block that part in your brain telling you that you can't do it. You're the only one who's building resistance in your life by using a wrong perspective. It's going to be a lot easier if you will think that it's easy and focus your time and energy to things that will only help you.

Because you don't need their comments, you don't need to focus on savage and toxic people. Even your boss that's not treating you right... you can make it a game to follow him but not feel anything about it, you can make him look like a fool by acting like he fools you. You can play a different game, something that is helping you to reach your goals. And that game is ignoring craps and useless things and thinking only about the things and people that makes you feel good. 

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