Mar 31, 2020


It may look that you didn't get anything even though you work hard, it may look like you just wasted a time but the reality is you gain a lot if you give everything you've got. It's not about the money, it's not about the followers... it's about feeling the emotions of greatness. Don't be scared to get zero today, if you really work hard and give your best then your work ethic has developed, you learn something, your experience becomes more. You are still getting something because you become a better person. Your skills sharpened, your mind becomes faster and your body become stronger, you have nothing to lose if you are pushing yourself to the limits. So keep going and keep failing, success someday can never hide from you anymore, it has nowhere to run and the only choice it has is to submit itself to you. Hard work means success, keep working hard and make yourself one step closer from becoming successful.

Failing is normal, feeling the pain is normal. But it is more painful if you are looking for results but you are not giving your best, it is more stressful to ask for what you don't deserve. So ask yourself, do you think you really deserve it? do you think you really give everything you've got? if you really give your all then why are you complaining? you should still be working up to now if you're really giving your all. Giving your all means not stopping, you are chasing your dreams everyday and you don't have any plan of stopping even if it takes forever to get it.

Don't feel sorry for yourself if you haven't get what you want yet, time will come and you will get everything of it. You will get what you want and you will laugh at yourself why are you so worried in the past. You don't have to worry if you are working hard because it's only just a matter of time before you become successful. Only time will tell when it will come. So be patient and never quit, keep working, keep busting your ass, be faster than yesterday, be braver tomorrow. Always remember that you are still getting something even if you lose, you better not think about quitting because that is the most stupid thing that you could ever do. Just keep pushing forward even if it's already too painful, hope for the best, expect that you are going to win today, and if it didn't happen now... try again tomorrow.

Because if your dreams were real then you will never stop. You will keep looking for a way how to get it. You will become relentless, you will never care if the odds were too scary, you will never care if the process of getting it is so difficult, you will just do it no matter what, you will never look at the clock, you will never count the days that passed and you didn't win... you will just go for the kill, you will keep pushing further until you can. 

Mar 30, 2020


The reason why you can't win is because you're always quitting, a simple as that. Everybody loses, even the president of the Most powerful country in the wold has lost a million times but he never quit. It's all about the ability to try again, move fast and never think... that's the only way to succeed. If you're not going to move now then you will never move in the future. All you have to do is stop quitting and that's it, keep pushing forward and that's it. You don't need to think about anything else, just keep pushing forward and do whatever it takes to win. It will take time, it will take a lot of effort. There will be a lot of frustrations and disappointments especially if you really work hard for trying to make something succeed yet you still fail in the end. But what else can you do? that's all part of the process, you can never win if you will try again. You will become a loser forever if you will quit. So you better start now and do something.

All you have to do is try again for one more time, forget the past, forget the pain that you felt. Past is past, you need to try again for one more time. You better call yourself a tryer rather than a quitter. A tryer will keep on trying again and again, he will never stop so he isn't considered a loser yet. You have to keep trying if you want to win, it will really become uncomfortable but it is what it is, you can never win if you will not force yourself to try for at least one more time. It's all about trying for one more time, and when you fail... try again. Try and try again, always believe that you're going to win, always believe that you deserve something. You've already went too far only to give up now, you need to go further and see where you will end up. Keep going even if it's difficult, it will become easier and easier every time you try again because you are starting to master the process.

So if you don't want to lose in life again... don't quit, as simple as that. Stop questioning why are you not winning, the answer is simply because you don't believe it and you're quitting too fast. So whenever you fail, try again, stop looking for what is wrong... just try again for one more time, make it a habit to try again and again until you finally succeed. It's too easy if you will make it a habit to keep trying, you will forget that it's hard because it's becoming part of your system. So try again now, try so fast and never quit when you fail again, you have unlimited tries, that is your biggest advantage in your journey.

You will become a winner anytime soon, you are losing for now because you are just being tested. The universe is testing you if you really want it. Once you show the universe that you really want it then it will conspire, it will follow your lead. Don't be afraid of trying again because they don't care, nobody cares if you're failing, it is not an embarrassing situation. 

Mar 29, 2020


It's crisis now, what do you expect? a walk in the park? an easy life? nobody told you that it's going to be easy so stop complaining and just do your thing. Do whatever it takes to make your life better instead of complaining and blaming the government or whatever it is that you think makes your life more miserable. It is what it is, it's happening now, there are only few things you can do now, you have fewer options but the positive side is... you can still do something about your life, you're still in control and you can still live a happier and more positive life. It's only up to you, the choices are yours. You have to keep pushing, do one positive thing a time, don't expect that life is easy because it's really hard just right from the very beginning. Even the rich people are suffering, even the healthiest people have problems, this is life, it is really survival of the fittest, if you don't have a strong mind then you will be eaten by crisis or any problem that you are facing right now. Every problem is just a small problem, were are the ones who are making it big because of complaining too much and asking for more even though we only deserve less. Never think that you deserve more, if you really deserve something then you will get it but why can't you get it until now? it's because you are not working hard enough to get it, you have to prove yourself first if you are worthy for something.

Take your life one day at a time, live slowly if you need to, you don't need to rush things, you don't need a perfect life, you don't need a lot of comfort. Even the richest athletes, businessmen, politicians have no clue what to do with their lives when they're struggling. Most people are bored now, most people were so sick and tired. Stay calm and positive, do what you need to do, do whatever it takes to survive and thrive. Because at the end of the day, the reality is you can do something but you're too lazy and focused on your excuses. Destroy your excuses and laziness and you will see that your life is getting much better. Ignore comfort and you will go the extra mile and make some positive results with your life.

Stop focusing on your weaknesses and fears, do something positive, create a momentum that will take you on a better place. It is crisis, it's harder now but it is still possible to live a more decent and happier life. It's on you if you're going to shine on a dark place or simply just going to turn of your light and life dark like others. You're still alive, there are lot of things that you can do, there are millions of ways that you can try, all you have to do is move. Ignore that life is hard, put your mind on the right frame and simply give your best every single day.

Mar 28, 2020


There is always a way, there is always a right path waiting for you, all you have to do is move, keep moving forward until you find it, every time you stop... you will get lost. So keep moving forward because every step is the right step. Sometimes you will feel like lost, you will feel that you're being stupid but don't ever feel that way because just like what I've said... you're on the right path every time you are moving forward. If you can't move because you feel so overwhelmed and scared... just do something, even if it's a weak and mediocre move... still do it, that will give you momentum. Ugly start can give you a momentum, don't be afraid to look like a fool, don't be afraid to look funny. It's alright, the purpose of your movement is to become confident a little bit and just make a small progress. Just do it, don't be scared to make mistakes, every action is the right action, every action with strong intention will lead you to a right path. Never think that your efforts will be wasted, just take actions and give your very best. All you have to do is move and you will see the right path. You can move anytime, you can move anywhere... nothing can stop you if you will force yourself to take actions.

Just move and the right way will show up later, make a lot of mistakes, get lost, don't be afraid to try something new. Just keep moving forward and you will arrive at your desired destination, if you know where you are going to... you will get there, as simple as that. All you have to do is move now, stop waiting for the perfect timing because it will never come, stop waiting for the good feelings to run in your body before you start, you have to start now, start fast and finish strong. Take massive massive actions so you will get massive results. Stop making excuses, continue to move forward all the time, stop thinking that you are wrong, stop judging yourself. Believe in yourself and the process that you are doing.

You can take it slowly if you are getting tired, you can stop now and rest for a while but don't ever quit. Don't ever think about looking for an easy way out. You already felt the hardship, you already felt the difficulty, there is no going back now, you have to keep pushing until you become successful. Every path is the right path, every action is the right action, whatever positive thing you are doing now is right, all you have to do is continue and give your very best every single day. Because if you really want it then you will find a way, and even if there is no way... you will create your own way, nothing can stop you, no obstacle can ever stun you or freeze you, you will keep pushing and fighting for what you want because you really believe that you deserve it. 

Mar 27, 2020


During times of adversity, when there is a crisis... you need to reinvent yourself. As the problem goes harder you need to get better. You can't be the same lazy, scared person as yesterday and expect that you can survive this havoc. You need to reinvent yourself, you need to become better and stronger, you need to become faster and smarter... that's how to thrive in any kind of adversity. The greatest challenge is how to win during tough times, but keep in mind that if you want to become great you need to conquer a very scary adversity. It's what great people do... they find a way. And in the end... they will still succeed. Keep in mind that no matter how hard the obstacle you are facing right now there is always a way how to get out, there is always a way how to beat it. That's why it's a necessity to reinvent yourself, you need to change yourself now if you want to survive and thrive. Work harder, work faster, you need to be better than yesterday if you want to stay in the game.

Don't do what you did yesterday, you need to become a new man now, change your habits, change your pattern of thinking, it's going to get hard but it's possible. If you want a new life then you need to reinvent yourself, do something you haven't done before. Work as hard as you can, try as hard as you can and focus on becoming successful, as simple as that. Because if you will not change then you will live the same miserable life forever do you want that? face the hardships of life, do what is hard, do something great, focus on success and never take your eyes off of it. Focus on becoming better each second, focus on developing yourself. Hone your craft, sharpen your skills, be patient because it will take time. Get serious with your work, treat your work as a very serious business, you need to think highly of yourself... see yourself as someone who is important and has a big position in this world. Because if you will not think big then you will never be able to get something big.

It's time to live a different life, it's time to become stronger than yesterday, you need to take risks, do the impossible and give your best every single day. It is what it is, it's going to get harder each day but it is a journey, you want to succeed right? Then force yourself to take actions, get serious in your life. You need to be fast now, stop thinking too much and take risks, don't be afraid to go all the way. Never mind risking it all, never mind using all of your power to succeed, ask yourself how bad do you want it? you need to get desperate so that you will be forced to move fast and take massive actions, you need to be on a sense of urgency if you want to thrive in your life. Start now and reinvent yourself, always remember that time is fast and you need to become faster, the hard workers live forever and the lazy people die earlier, this is survival of the fittest, reinvent yourself and be the best that you can be, live the best life that you can live. 

Mar 26, 2020


Just when you thought it's over, just when you thought everything is fine and cool... fear is here again, and it's scaring you one more time again. Fear is the partner of life, without fear life isn't normal. We created our own fear by believing it and we can also destroy it by disbelieving it. So don't ever think that you're already fearless, don't ever think that nothing can scare you anymore, stay humble because there is not such thing as a man without fear. You will feel fear over and over again but you can stay calm while feeling it. It will visit your life time and time again so don't get shock when you're feeling it right now. Fear is normal, you will feel it every now and then even if you're the president of the united states. Life is all about facing your fears and finding a way how to thrive in a situation that is ruled by fear. Breathe and keep moving forward, enjoy your fear, learn how to embrace it so that it will go anytime soon. The only way to defeat it is to accept that you are scared and still enjoy it. Taking actions even if scared will erase your fears, never allow fear to freeze you, you need to fight, force yourself to move and forget about tomorrow or later, never anticipate any event, learn to live now, enjoy the now and fear will st art to go away.

Because you're just a human being, fear is an indicator that you're just a human. Don't be ashamed if you're scared, Your fear will be lessen if you will forget about what will happen next, focus on taking actions and have no regrets every time you make a mistake, you're just a human being and you are allowed to make wrong decisions. Something will always make you uncomfortable and that is pretty scary but if you can tell yourself that you are ok being uncomfortable then it will be easier to conquer fears, it will be easier to win in life. Winning is all about facing the discomfort and moving forward. Just accept that fear will always be there, it is nothing new, it is part of your life so don't worry about it, don't feel shaken whenever you are scared, learn to embrace it and still give your best while moving forward. No fear can ever top you if your mind is fixated to winning, no fear can ever put you down, you just have to deal with it and learn how to play with it. The more you resist fear the more it's going to scare you, just learn how to move with it, learn to adapt with it and live with it, life will become easier if you put it that way.

After succeeding you will become scared again, after solving a problem you're going to become scared again, fear will never leave your life. It is what it is, fear will never leave you, there will always be another level of fear after you conquered another, that is how life was designed, but if you will focus more on what you want then fear will never bother you, you will not even notice it. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to express yourself, face your fears and live your life. 

Mar 24, 2020


If you want your dreams to come alive then you need to ignore the world. The world is disturbing you, it's trying to steal your time, you need all of your time if you really want your dreams to become real. You have to detach your mind from anything that is useless, disconnect from subjects that only waste your time. You have to be smart in using your time. The little clicks of different websites, checking of messages, arguing with unknown people in facebook, playing games, following celebrities and athletes were only making your life miserable and you don't know it. It's crushing your dreams, it's making you small, every time you give your time to a random activity that will not help you grow... you are destroying your ambitions.

Ignore the world, become weird if you need to. You need to be strict with your time, enjoy your work, enjoy what you're doing. Focus on yourself and focus on becoming better each day. Because the world will wait for you but your dreams never will. Your dream is always getting harder to get every time you procrastinate and waste a lot of time. The time to start is now, the time to change is now, and you can only change your life if you are willing to get uncomfortable by ignoring the things that are not helping you to grow. Focus is what's lacking in your life, you need to have a laser focus if you want to get ahead in life. Focus on what you want and not on what you don't want, focus on things that are making you grow. Never give any attention to gossips, negativity, news, fake news, etc. Never submit your power to something that is manipulating you.

Your dream is demanding a lot of your time, it is demanding, it is like a sexy hot girl who needs a special love and treatment or else it will reject you. Because the only way to strength and happiness is focusing on your own life and not with other people's lives. You will only experience greatness and freedom if you don't care about what the world is doing and focus on your own journey instead. It's not that you don't care if your house is burning, it's not like that. You just don't care about the stupidity and nonsense activities of other people, you hate things that doesn't help you evolve.

Your life is just a one time thing, if you really want to experience a different kind of life then you need to enjoy yourself and make yourself everyday, make yourself better each day, it's going to get harder and harder but that is what great people do... they overcome any difficulty, they do what is hard, they discipline themselves and they never waste any single second because they just knew that time is money, time is gold, time is success. Every second is an opportunity to become great. Everyday is a chance to make themselves much better than yesterday. 

Mar 23, 2020


Everybody was scared right now, everybody was going to a direction of scaring themselves out until they finally break down. Are you scared too? if yes then it means you're in the same direction as them. If you don't want to become scared anymore then you need to go to a different direction. While most people were focused on negative and fake news... focus on positivity and looking for a news that is empowering and motivating. If you want a better life then you need to separate yourself from the pack and start doing something that is much much better and healthy. Most people were scaring themselves out to death, they were full of negativity and garbage thoughts.

You must be aware if you feel bad about something, if you feel bad about it then ignore it or look for some other things that makes you feel bad, you have a choice. It's either you crowd your mind with negativity or you fill it with nice images that will strengthen you and motivate you to live your life to the fullest. It's an instinct of every human being to go negative because it's the easiest thing to do. Beware because some people will pull you down, they want some company for their miserable life. You need to lift yourself up and stay away from them. Make your mind stronger and stay away from toxic news and people. If you want to feel different, if you want to feel happier then go the other way, go opposite of their direction.

Just do it, it's a little bit hard but it's rewarding. It's ok to be a lone wolf but doing the right thing than following the crowd and feeling the same way as them. If you want to have a remarkable life then do what most people don't do, don't be like them, they were all hopeless and complaining, they were all lazy and blaming other people for their failures. Stand up for yourself and go the other way, and even if you fail (which is not likely to happen if you're serious)... at least you did it your way and you didn't follow the crowd. It's too crowded at the bottom, you need to go to the top and you can only do it by thinking differently and avoiding doing what most people do.

Protect your mind from negativity, stop getting addicted with negative stuffs that will not even help you at all. You are here to become powerful and you can only achieve your potential if you're being positive about life and working hard. So discipline yourself and stay away from negativity, stop watching news, stop getting manipulated by other people, use your own judgement of the situation, use your own skills and strategy. Use your own mind, you can do it your way and still thrive. You can only succeed if you will never follow what most people are doing and doing it your way instead. So start now and carve your own path, let them be themselves but let yourself be yourself too. 

Mar 22, 2020


At the end of the day... you have to think about something, why not think about greatness, success, love and health? why not just think about thriving and stop thinking about losing? your mind is your life, what runs in your mind will run into your life. So look at your mind, what's running inside of it will be your reality so you must block all the negativity right now, turn off the news, throw away all the negative stuffs that are poisoning your mind. Because at the end of the day... it's you that poisons your mind, it's you that make it grow. You have the power to decide of what's stuff are you putting into your mind. Most of the time you don't know that you are feeding your mind some negative information because you are loving it, let's accept it... a negative information is more interesting than the positive ones but those negative information will rotten your mind, it will make you weak and unproductive.

Take care of your mind, put only the images of what you want to happen on it. Don't dwell on subjects and information that doesn't serve you at all. Negativity will only make you weak. It will destroy your life, it will poison your mind and the funny thing is you're starting to love it. Never expose your mind to negativity because it's all fake. Protect your mind, feed it with positivity and optimism and you will never be harmed, you will never fail, you will always prevail in the end. So look at your mind every now and then, guard it, what are you thinking of? what are the most dominating thoughts inside of your head? what consumes your mind will be attracted to you.

The best investment is your mind, you need to make it strong, make it bulletproof from any negative subjects such as disease, failure, gossips, poverty, dramas, excuses, pointing fingers, backstabbing etc. Your mind is a sacred place, only positive subjects should be allowed to enter it. So even if you're down, even if you're struggling right now... you can overcome it if you have a healthy mind. Nothing can scare you if you have the proper mindset. You will never panic, you will never do stupid things that will make your life even worse. Your mind is your reality, it is your happiness or sadness, you can have all the money in the world but if your mind is rotten then you will never become happy. You can have less but if you have a healthy mind then you will become very happy and satisfied.

So always check your mind, always guard it from negativity, stay away from negative information. Stay still, stay positive all the time, be hopeful and always think that you can overcome anything if you have a guarded mind. Successful and strong people have a healthy mind, they always see to it that they have enough mental toughness to overcome anything. So don't worry about anything else, worry about your mind... feed it the right images that you want to attract into your life. 

Mar 21, 2020


The love of your life should be your life, it should be yourself, love yourself and you will win. The reason why you can't become successful and happy is because you don't love yourself enough, you are not doing everything to give yourself a good life. You know what makes you fail but you still keep on engaging on those activities, you know what makes you weak but you still pretend to be blind and get addicted with activities and things that doesn't serve your life.

If you really love yourself then you will never follow your bully friend to do something that you don't like, you will just go home and do your home work, or do some other things that will make you grow. If you love yourself then you know if what you eat is enough, even if there are lots of delicious food inside the refrigerator... you will control yourself and just focus on your diet. If you love yourself then you will make yourself rich and powerful so that you won't be scared of any frightening things that may happen in your life, if you really love yourself then you will protect your mind from toxic friends and news. If you love yourself then you will work hard so that you will grow and become rich so that you will have a lot of options in your life. More money equals more options, but you can't have a lot of money if you don't love yourself, you can only grow and become rich if you will use your time for your own journey and not give it randomly to different kinds of entertainment that will only make you a bum.

The love of your life should be yourself, if you want to give love to others then you need to love yourself first. You need to know what you really want, loving yourself also means not listening to what other people say, you're not affected by their comments and suggestions. You know who you are, you know what you want and you're confident in anything that you do. You don't care about something that is trying to manipulate your mind, you don't care about things that makes you feel bad and weak, you're simply focus on trying to get better everyday and trying to live a much better and richer life. Because the truth is... you will be on a state of abundance if you will focus on loving yourself.

So do the things that will make you evolve, never give your time and energy to people who and things that are not even contributing to your growth. You know what works and you know what does not, it's time to wake up and do the right thing if you want to have a happier and easier life. It takes courage to face the truth, sometimes you have to be alone to discover yourself and what you really want. Always remember that you don't need anything to be happy, all you need is yourself, everything else is just a bonus. 

Mar 20, 2020


In this pandemic Corona Virus era, all you can do is be mentally tough. Most people were crumbling and panicking, most people were already out of their minds and if you're one of them then you're in big big trouble. Just stay calm, don't ever think that you're going to die, don't ever think that it is the end of the world. Stay away from social media and never expose yourself to negativity again. Be mentally tough, focus on what you want to happen and ignore the fake news roaming around the world. All you can do is protect your mind, if you have a strong mind then your reality will be protected. It's all in the mind, what you keep on thinking about will be attracted to you. So if you keep on catering your fears then it has a chance to happen in your life even if you don't want it.

You will become more scared if you're not protecting your mind against information that is not making you feel good. Turn off the news, ignorance is a bliss, you will become happier if you're not exposing your mind to dangerous and scary thoughts. And even if the pandemic is real... are you just going to let it ruin your life? you have the ability to fight, you have the ability to protect yourself and your family. But you can only do it if you have a healthy mind that is bulletproofed from negativity and fake information. Once you are thinking about negative things... get rid of it right away by thinking positive things. It takes time and discipline to become more positive than negative but once you were able to master this technique... you will have a very good life, you will become more confident and nothing can shake you anymore.

Most people love to scare other people, I don't know what kind of fund they get from that. Stay away from those people, ignore their words, never react to what they say. Always focus on strengthening your mind. You can do it by meditation and visualizing only the things that you want to manifest into your life. The power is still in your hands, it's on you if you're going to believe the scary information scattered everywhere. Your mind is a very powerful tool, you can use it to create a new reality that is much better than what is happening now.

What will happen will happen but are you just going to live your life in fears? or are you going to stay happy everyday and feel hopeful no matter how ugly the situation is. Remember that you need to protect your mind, once your mind is already tough... you can overcome any obstacles, you can pass any test and difficulty, you will never panic from any scary news, you will remain calm and confident, you just knew that you're going to be alright no matter what. So focus on making your mind healthy and strong... feed it the most positive information and images that you can think of... stay away from negativity and stay positive all the time. 

Mar 19, 2020


You know what to do right? you know what will free your mind and that is doing the right thing, doing your responsibility. I know it feels so heavy, you just want to sit on your sofa and watch some Methflix and Game of Thongs, but you can't live that way, you should do what you need to do in order to have a much better life. Just start and never stop, once you start... focus on it. Bite your fingers if it's itching to press the keypads on your cellphone, slap your face if you're trying to escape your responsibility. In order to have a much better life you must face the pain of doing your responsibility, always remember that laziness will lead you to nowhere, your life will go down if you keep on delaying your tasks and responsibilities. Do it, even if you feel imperfect and damaged... do it, even if you feel that you can do it tomorrow... still do it now, stop making excuses and  just go all the way, give your full maximum effort to finish something. The days were men can afford to become lazy is over, this is a competitive and fast pace world now, you will never get anything if you're simply day dreaming about your high school crush that crushes your heart. Past is past, let go of the past, let go of your regrets and simply move forwards.

You know what to do, you have to free yourself from different resistance or obstacles that are stopping you. If you need to do something... do it, if you need to get something... go and get it without any form of hesitation. You have to trust yourself that you can get it, you have to believe in the unknown and stop being afraid of failing. Start now and take it one step at a time, have the mindset of always going further no matter what. You can do a lot of things if you will just focus on one step at a time, learn to enjoy boredom, learn to embrace the process and focus on one thing until it's done. It's going to be somehow difficult but always remember that victory belongs to the most persevering.

Just do it, shut up and just do it. Never let any person or thing distract you, you have your goal, you want to achieve something so do it. You know what to do, you just feel that it's not right because you want to be sure that you will get something by doing it. But sometimes you really have to trust the unknown if you want to go to the next level. And even if you fail... so what? it's ok, there is nothing wrong about it. Keep failing over and over again until you succeed. It's only just a matter of time before you make things right, don't be afraid to get lost, don't be scared that your efforts might get wasted, remember that every action is the right action, every action is making you a better person. 

Mar 17, 2020


Don't worry if you're not successful now, they will remember your name if you go all in and give everything you've got. Your efforts will be rewarded, your name will be etched into history and one of the hardest workers in the world. They will see that you're something special. And even if they can't remember your name... so what? it doesn't matter, what matters is you felt how to become great. Some people just witness greatness and some people felt greatness, which side are you on? can you feel greatness? it can only be felt by giving your all and going to the extreme, you will bleed if you have to bleed, you will lose your mind if you need to. Greatness is somehow similar to insanity, you will become insane a little bit... you will do what most people can't do. You have a laser focus, you don't want to waste time... it seems like you're not resting at all. And that's why only few people become great... only few are willing to face the pain, only few are willing to go the path less traveled.

So if you want your name to be remembered... go all out, even if you lose your mind or fail big time... go all out. At least you felt how it feels to become great, at least you felt doing it your way and not following orders from other people. At least you felt the pain that not all people wanted to feel. Because greatness means feeling something that not all people can feel. People were so scared to face the pain, and that's why they can't even see the shadow of greatness. You can only become great if you can do something that is really really hard and most people were afraid to do it. Maybe they will start something but they will quit in the middle of the journey because they will realize that it's not a joke and they have to commit full time if they want to succeed.

Be the hardest worker in the world and they will remember your name, your energy will be felt, it's because you can do something that only few people can do. If you can work like a beast and really serious with your work then you will become one of a kind. People will look after you, people will start to ask what is your name. Because if you will work the hardest then your skill will go to another level, you will become the number one. People will be stunned, they will ask you how did you do it.

Keep going and keep doing your thing, one day is going to be your day, you're going to win one day and the world will be yours. But for now you have to pay the price, you have to go all in even if the results were not yet coming in. It's a sacrifice but it's really worth it, you will never regret that you go all in and try something great. 

Mar 9, 2020


Create a power that will never last, be the energy, ingrained it into your system. It can be anything, it can be a process, a technique or a journey. There is no right or wrong here, once you try to build something, once you started it... it can go on and on forever, it can run forever, it can create an energy that will last forever. So start now and do something, stay consistent with it and push yourself to the limits. Because the truth is you have no limits, you can take another step, you can execute another idea, the potential is unlimited, you can make some progress anytime you want.

Create millions, create greatness, create power, create something that will mesmerize people. It's up to you, the power is in your hands, you can create something beautiful that will go into people's heads. It will stay forever because it is real and you work hard for it. Legends never die, it is true because they created something that is worth talking about, they created a value that people need. You can inspire people, you can show them the way, and it can only happen if you will work hard for now and commit to something that you really believe. Something will work if you will work for it and die for it, it's like you will never stop until you win, you are relentless... your spirit can never break.

Feel free, use your creativity, you are free to do anything. Don't be afraid of what people say, don't be afraid of what people might say, just be yourself and do your thing. Because if you are really working hard for it then you will get it, as simple as that. Nothing can stop you, everything is under your control if you will believe in yourself and grind your way to the top. Confidence plus hard work can crate something big. Focus on your life, never mind other people's business, mind your own business and create something big.... something that will stay forever, something that will get people to follow you. Create your own path, you are free to do it. Enjoy your freedom because you never know when it's going to last. The time for creation is now, you have to pull the trigger or else you will lose in life.

Detach from something that is making you feel weak, push yourself every now and then. Don't be afraid to fail because you can try over and over again. Nothing can stop you. You are the only one who's stopping yourself, unleash the beast inside of you. The world is yours, all you have to do is claim it and be the best version of yourself. Strengthen your mind by focusing on what you do and how you feel, never get distracted by other people's nonsense business, be selfish with your time because it's your strongest and biggest capital to succeed. You're just one step away from winning, so free your mind from any resistance and do the work... CREATE A POWER THAT WILL NEVER GO AWAY. 

Mar 8, 2020


Sometimes our lives were just repeating and for whatever reason we can't get out from the rut we are in. We keep losing, we keep going down and we can't figure out the move we need to execute in order to make a progress or change our lives. Just move and you will get out from the rut you are in, believe in the power of doing the process. Figure it out yourself, don't blame your situation, don't blame the people around you... just move forward and never stop, as simple as it sounds... do it. Forget about feeling good, forget about your emotions, your feelings has nothing to do with your journey, your willpower is the only thing that will give you a chance to change your situation. So use all of your strength to do something and just be like a raging bull who keeps moving forward. Always remember that results doesn't matter for now, what matters is you move forward and everything you've been dreaming of will be attracted into your life. Just take actions, whatever action you can think of... do it regardless if you feel good or bad. Because if you will not move then how will you be able to change your life? so stop thinking about anything else because you're already on the right path once you're moving, you don't need to question yourself anymore if you're doing the right thing or not. Just do it, have no conscience and just do it.

So if you're already awake and you can move... do something, stop worrying and just do something. Don't waste your time calculating, investigating, searching, weighing and over thinking, the time to start is now, don't wait for your situation to change before you act, you need to act now to make a change. It only feels a little uncomfortable at the moment but suddenly you will feel good once you keep moving forward and do your thing.

Forcing something will create a momentum. It may sound brutal, it may sound barbaric but if you will force yourself to take actions and use your willpower then you will be able to create an energy that may grow stronger and stronger, you will be able to create some kind of a power that you may use, all you have to do is sustain it and enjoy it. So force yourself, use your willpower, keep punching that wall, keep moving forward, be relentless and never stop. It is what it is, it's your life now, you're a savage hustler now, you need to embody the mind of a hustler and a risk taker if you want to produce different results. It doesn't matter if it is perfect or not... just move, do something and do whatever it takes to win in life. You are in control here, always in control so destroy all of your excuses and make yourself a winner, you can only do it if you will allow yourself to move forward and do whatever it takes to become successful. 

Mar 6, 2020


Stop procrastinating, how many times have we heard this phrase? stop being lazy and just do it. But we can't move, we are so lazy, we feel so heavy and sometimes we are even making excuses that we are sick just to avoid taking actions. But the truth is you can really just do it, you can start it anytime you want to, the reason why you can't do it is because you don't have the right trigger to force you to take actions. What if you use your laziness as your trigger? what if every time you feel lazy and sleepy then you will just do it? I'm sure it's possible because I've done it already. Every time I feel so lazy and wanting to make excuse my mind is saying: "that's it!. that's the signal we've been waiting for to move!" and my body is suddenly moving like a miracle. The key here is to know your feelings, be aware of what you're thinking and just move whenever you feel lazy, it's like a sense of urgency, whenever you feel wanting to make excuses... your brain take a fast shift from waiter to doer. You just do it without conscience, you just do it regardless of how you feel.

The best time to start is when you don't want to start, always think that you are growing and becoming a batter person every time you fight your laziness. And that is the reality... you become better, tougher, smarter and more experienced every time you fight your laziness, you are taking your mental toughness to another level. You just don't care, you will just move, you don't care about the results, you don't care about being perfect... you just do it regardless of what might happen next. You're like a machine, nothing can stop you.

So every time you feel lazy, think of it as the best time to start. It's an urgency, attached the feeling of laziness with a sense of urgency, think that your life will go down and will become miserable if you don't move, think that nothing will happen to you and you will become very poor if you didn't take actions. So just do it now and have no conscience while doing it. Push yourself, stop trying to look perfect, stop trying to feel good, you will never feel good unless you start. If you really want to feel good then take actions, as simple as that. The reason why you don't feel good and stressed is because you want to do something but you are stopping yourself from doing it.

The idea here is to stop pampering your laziness, you really need to force yourself. Think about negative things that will happen if you don't review your lessons: Your mom will evict you from the house, you will become a garbage collector, your crush will get turned off on you, etc. Think about the worse situations that will happen if you don't do the right thing. 

Mar 3, 2020


If you care too much, you will never reach your goal. Stop caring about the things that are only making you feel bad. Toxic friends, a random person who disrespect you, a troll in social media, traffic, problems in your country, your parents disapproving your dreams, problems in money, what is lacking in your life etc. etc. Stop caring and just move forward, you need to be taking actions so that you will feel much better. Ignore all the resistance, ignore everything that is stopping you and just take actions, free yourself. Never think that you're wrong, never think about the outcome and simple take it one step at a time. Results will come later for sure, all you have to do is keep pushing yourself to the limits until you finally defeat the challenge.

If you care too much you will never take actions, you will become conservative, you will focus on the external things surrounding you and you will never be able to express yourself honestly. You will always rush, you will never be in the moment and appreciate what's going on. Life is simple moving forward and enjoying the journey, you don't need to think too much you just need to do what you want to do. If you want success then stop caring too much about the things around you and focus on what you want, give your energy to it. The process will become easier if you will just enjoy life and move forward, there is nothing to worry about. The future is not real, real life is happening now.

You can destroy any kind of resistance if you will stop caring, just do what you think is right and forget about getting judged, stop judging yourself that you are wrong, it's going to be a lot easier if you will trust yourself and the process that you're doing. Just move forward, you can do something, you can make yourself better, you can't be on your original position as yesterday, you can make significant progress if you want to. Stop rushing and just enjoy what you can do, enjoy your feelings, enjoy what is happening around and immediately block the negative thoughts that are trying to enter your mind.

The only thing you need to be worrying about is your life, loved ones, job, money, friends. No need to worry about anything else. Make your life simple, ignore what you don't need, ignore what doesn't make you grow and simply move forward. Block that part in your brain telling you that you can't do it. You're the only one who's building resistance in your life by using a wrong perspective. It's going to be a lot easier if you will think that it's easy and focus your time and energy to things that will only help you.

Because you don't need their comments, you don't need to focus on savage and toxic people. Even your boss that's not treating you right... you can make it a game to follow him but not feel anything about it, you can make him look like a fool by acting like he fools you. You can play a different game, something that is helping you to reach your goals. And that game is ignoring craps and useless things and thinking only about the things and people that makes you feel good. 

Mar 2, 2020


Your mind is always tricking you and telling you that you can't do it, the sad thing is you believe it and you don't try anymore. It's normal because your mind's default is negative, it's addicted to comfortable items. That's why you get tempted too fast, you quit too fast and you do activities that are fun but will never make you improve at all. Your mind is always in control but if you are aware of what it's thinking then you will get the control back. It's simply about knowing what you want and pushing forward to get it. So if you know that you want to earn more money and your mind is tricking you that you're too tired already and it's time to rest then always go to what you want. Your desire should be stronger than your mind, you should have a burning desire so that you will be able to manipulate your mind. Because if you really want it then you will push for it even if your mind is telling you to stop, it can never control you nor stop you if your burning desire is always prevailing.

You always believe that it's impossible, part of you is telling you that you can do it but your fear is overpowering your desire to win. So be aware if your mind is telling you to quit and stop be aware if your fear is taking over and go back to your original desires. This life is too fast, you should take chances whenever you can. Don't waste your life living in regrets, give yourself a chance to succeed and be the best that you can be. Take risks, always go further and give yourself a chance to win even if it costs everything.

So if you want to become a superstar in the NBA then you need to do things that not normal people can do. You need to work harder, take shots during crucial times, take matters into your own hands and make decisions that you think is right. But your fear will stop you because other people is influencing your mind, other people that you think is higher than you will try to affect your decision. But if you really want it then those fears will be over powered by your desires. You will do what you think will make you shine and you will never be afraid to take the blame, you will push further and work harder, you will try to attract luck, you will change your fate and you will never become afraid of embarrassment anymore. You will just do it no matter what and forget the results. You don't care if other players get mad at you, you don't care if your coach scolded you... you will just follow your heart because you are living for your dream and not letting fears control your destiny.

Because if you will not try, if you will not become a little bit selfish then you will get the same results over and over again. If you're not afraid of discomfort and willing to face all the consequences of your actions then you will win, as simple as that.