Apr 11, 2018


What's the real goal? what do you really want? the reason why you can't get what you want is because you're too focused on some other things, you're focused on the distractions, you're focused on the mistakes that you commit in the past. What is the real goal? what do you want to achieve? you have to know it, you have to be specific and go for it. Never look back, never think about being wrong... what matters is you get it with all your heart and you really give your best.

Focusing on the right things is the key here, you have to be really focused or else you will never achieve it. Get rid of the things that doesn't serve you at all, never do stupid things that are not helping you to become one step closer from your goal.

You can set a goal for the day or a goal for the week, whatever works for you... do it. One goal at a time is good, it will give you direction, it will give you clues, it will make your life better.

Use your energy well, use it right. The reason why you are always tired is because you are using your energy for useless things that has no benefits. You have to stay committed, you have to keep grinding everyday.

Make taking actions as your number one habit. Stop thinking and worrying too much because it will never help you... ever. Look at your goal, examine it carefully, look at your actions... are you doing something for it? or are you doing some other things that will avoid you from taking actions?

Be mindful of yourself, guard yourself, be disciplined. If you will always do some other things that is not related to your goal then you will never achieve it.

Focus on what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions, never focus on what you can't control because it will make you crazy, it will make you unmotivated.

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