Mar 17, 2024


Humans are very special because unlike animals we can change directions, we don't have a specific speed, we don't have any limits, we can speed up or slow down, we can do more or get lazier. The choice is always yours, you can become something big or you can take your days for granted and live like a useless bum. It's really up to you, you are in control here, you have the power. You can do it now or you can do it later but you will have a harder time. Doing it now will make everything easier, the stress will go away, the heavy feelings and laziness will be gone. 


You can always rise up, you can always do something, this is your power that you should be cherishing. Something is disturbing you, something is making you feel bad and stuck and you're allowing it. It's just a matter of beating the resistance that is derailing your progress. Never wait for a client who is not replying, never wait for a teammate that is lazy and late, never feel bad if bad luck is making life harder for you, never feel sorry if you made a mistake, never let critics make you slow and feeling negative, never let your vices stop you from succeeding. The mindset is very simple... keep moving forward despite of how you feel. Because if you're always giving attention to what makes you feel bad then you're making your life harder than what it use to be. Always push forward no matter what, this should become your culture and habit, you should not feel any resistance at all. At the end of the day you own nothing, you have really have nothing to lose because you don't have anything when you were born so why be afraid of losing something. You were born with nothing and you will die with nothing, this life is just a fun game to play. Never take anything personally, never feel bad about something that really doesn't matter because it's only slowing you down. You have to do what you need to do, never feel sorry for anything that wasn't your fault, never be so sensitive, never care about what people think because you can never control their thoughts at all. The key is to just do it and never give up, keep pushing and go all the way. 


Stop living in the past, forget your imaginations and just do the work. Ignore all the things that you don't have and try to make the best out of your life. The time is now, if you will not discipline yourself then you will never make it. You have to go all the way and sacrifice everything in order to become the person that you need to become to win in life. You're living in stupid dreams and it's waiting a lot of your time. Wake up and do something. Drag yourself if you need to, remember that you need to take massive actions in order to win in life, you will never make it if you're always hesitating and not doing something to improve your situation. Become a man on a mission, use all of your strength and energy to change your life. You can speed up or slow down, it's really up to you. Remember that speed loves success, if you are slow then you will keep eating leftovers. It's your call, it's your decision, give everything you've got or settle for a mediocre life. 

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