Mar 5, 2024


It's avoidance and learning how to stop yourself whenever there is an urge that leads to self sabotage. You get mentally stronger every time you stop yourself from doing something useless or stupid but entertaining and fun. Sacrificing what is fun to get better and more disciplined. Just move forward and do what is more important, do the things that will make you stronger, richer and smarter. If it will never give you anything then why the hell will you do it? you're only killing yourself, you need to wake up and do what is important, do what will give you more energy and success. Mental strength means avoiding the thoughts that makes you weak, it's controlling your mind, it's stopping yourself from taking actions that will make your life worse. Because every action and thoughts is either making you better or making you worse. The good news is you have the power to choose, you just need to train yourself to make the right choices because most of the time your choices were wrong because you always go for the easier and enjoyable option that has no substance at all. 

Stop practicing immediate gratification, stop celebrating if you haven't achieved anything, stop doing stupid stuffs that are fun but will never give you any leverage. You have to capitalize everyday, every single day or single second is giving you an opportunity to get better. Every resistance is making you a tougher person, so be mindful of your choices and never let temptation make you think like a child, you have to stop your urges, never let the trap of having fun destroy your chances of making it in life. Achieving mental strength requires a lot of patience, mindfulness and endurance. Endure boredom, endure a harder path because it is the only path to self development, you will never grow if you're always having fun and choosing pleasures over sacrifices, you will get weaker and weaker every time you choose fun and easy. It's time to grind like hell, it's time to make yourself a beast, it will only happen if you will always choose the harder path like exercise, studying, developing a new skill, saving money, avoiding scrolling on social media and pushing yourself to the limits. You will never see your full potential if you're always doing the same thing that has no potential of making you great. Chase greatness, chase your dreams, this is the only way to experience a different life. get serious with the process and stay consistent. Never waste a single day doing stupid stuffs that are making you fragile and lazy. You need to make a stand for greatness only. 

Control your mind, infiltrate the negative thoughts, never let any stupid information poison it. Most people were really talented but they don't have the discipline that's why they end up being a failure and miserable. If you don't want to become like them then stop acting like them, choose a different path, choose what is hard over easy. 

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