Mar 15, 2024


Don't judge yourself, don't anticipate the future, remove all the worries and anxieties and just do it. It will be easier if you will stop thinking and just take the first step. Follow through when you already have a momentum and never stop until you're done, this is how to finish a difficult task. What makes it difficult is you inaction and lack of focus, you want to do a lot but you're not doing a lot, you're simply procrastinating and waiting for the day to be over. The one thing that is stopping you is overthinking and trying to become perfect, there is no such thing as perfection but there is such thing as giving your best. Give your best and that's it, give your all and good things will be attracted to you.  Giving your best is very easy and simple... just push yourself to take actions now and go hard, this is not a complicated thing, even a toddler can do it.


Sometimes you don't know if you're giving your best or not but the truth is if you're serious about your goals, if you're not wasting any second then you're already giving your best. If all of your actions is for the better and you're trying to eliminate your habits then you're already giving your best. Stop being too hard on yourself, stop being a perfectionist and just work as hard as you can. Keep going further no matter what. Stop wasting your energy for nonsense activities. If you can work really hard and taking everything seriously then that is already giving your very best, there is nothing else to worry about anymore. Push yourself to go all the way, give everything you've got no matter what and take matters into your own hands. Don't be afraid if the progress is slow, just don't waste time and always give your very best no matter what. Push yourself to the limits and never give up. Keep aiming for the best, always have the mindset to succeed even if the problems and obstacles are trying to destroy your determination. The game plan is very simple... give your all at any given time, stop waiting for the perfect timing and just do it. Never hold yourself back, never think that something might go wrong and just do what you can do. Be fast, never make excuses, never look back, always find a way how to keep going and just allow yourself to move even if it feels so uncomfortable. Stop being a perfectionist because it will make you stuck forever, it will never give you any leverage, the only advantage you can have is being fast and not wasting time. Execution is better than perfection, you will become very productive if you're focused on doing it early and fast. Waiting is the number one game of losers, they keep on waiting until the day is over and they can't do anything anymore. Force yourself to take actions now even if you don't like it, this is the very key to progress and success. You have to choose action over indecision, you have to execute even if you don't have the resources to make it perfect. Learn to adapt and improvise, learn to enjoy the struggle and pressure because that is where growth is.  

Giving your very best is the easiest thing to do because all you have to do is exert a very strong effort. You don't need to think about the things that are out of your control, you just need to focus on working hard and going the extra mile. Forget about perfection because it will only make you overthink and stuck, it will never give you any progress. Just start now and do what you can do with all your heart. 

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