Mar 2, 2024


Fear is not an issue because you're just a human being, you will get scared every once in a while, the real issue here is you don't have a philosophy, you don't have a mindset or a game plan. In any occasion you will be scared especially if there is pressure and something is on the line. You will be scared of the crowd, big challenges, critics, stronger opponent, failure, unfamiliar territory, someone who you think is better than you, big names and any other things that looks or feel scary. But you have to remind yourself that fear is just an illusion, you created it but the good news is you can also destroy it. You are scared because you didn't prepare your mind, you don't have a default thought which you can use when things didn't go your way. That's why you need to prepare yourself with different scenarios and be aware all the time if you are being anxious or overwhelmed. 

Do something for the love of trying, not for the results, not for any external things but for the process alone. If you can fall in love with the process, if you can be ok with getting zero results then you will get better, you will become very productive, you will become happier than ever. Forget the results because you never know when it will come, just do what you need to do and that's it. Allow yourself to fail, struggle and feel the pain... this is the path to victory, you will feel more successful if you will never protect yourself from any kind of heartache. Because the reason why you're not progressing is because you don't want to get hurt. The real power is when you're not afraid to fail anymore... that's how you become a real winner. Expose yourself to danger, risk and disappointment, always give your best and never hold back... as simple as that. Trust me, you will be happier if you try even if you fail because it makes you feel so free and creative. If you try you already won, as simple as that. So if you want to feel free and happy... just go out there and try, take the risk as much as you can and never give up, you have to keep pushing, you have to keep going no matter what. A person who tries is already 100x better than a person who didn't. It is a basic formula that most people don't want to adapt because their minds were programmed that winning is the only thing that matters in this world, they're so afraid to fail that's why they're stuck in a mud forever. They can't make a progress, they can't pull the trigger, they're too scared of being embarrassed. It feels much better to be moving than to overthinking or procrastinating. The reason why you're so depressed is because you're driven by the results, you want to change your life right away, you don't want to undergo the process. 

So it doesn't matter if you're scared or not, what matters is you have the philosophy of trying, just show up, just do it even if what is on the line is so big, take the risk, move your hands and feet and never care if everyone put a blame on you, never care if they tall you that you're trying hard or doing something that you can't. What matters is the bravery, you will only grow if you try and forget everything that will make you feel bad in the end, so what if you fail? you can try again tomorrow, you can do better next time, there is always a chance, there is always a room for adjustment, what matters is you live your life unlike others who are so scared to put their reputation in danger. 

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