You lost, you got embarrassed, someone disrespected you because you're weak, you're in pain, you've been treated unfairly, you've been cheated, the world turn its back from you, you have no more friends, you're so unlucky and broke. What are you gonna do about it? are you just going to accept your fate or are you going to force fate to bend and give you a favor? The problem with you is you whine a lot but you're not doing anything. Stop crying and do what you can do to change your situation, stop acting like a little child and force yourself to take actions because it's the best thing you can do. You can whine or you can fight, you can complain and blame people or you can take full responsibility of your life and do the best thing you can do to improve your situation. Most of the time you're just opening your mouth not your mind. You're just making dramas and not even trying to do something that will make you stronger and better. It is your fault why your life is like that, you did it to yourself, the good news is you can also change yourself. The power is in your hands, you can do something to improve your life now. So what are you going to do? are you going to make it better or worse? the choice is always yours, you're in complete control here. Nobody can do it for you, nobody will do it for you so stop waiting for a super hero to save your sorry ass, you need to take matters into your own hands and take it one step at a time. Day by day, try to get better, try to become the best version of yourself. You can make yourself stronger and tougher to make your life better or you can make yourself weaker and live a miserable life, it's all up to you. What will you do to make your life a little bit better today? if you don't know what to do then the first step is to get rid of your bad habits that are making you broke, sick and weak. If you can get rid at least 50-80 percent of your bad habits then the right habits will be formed naturally without even thinking about it. It's a matter of disciplining yourself. It's better to just sleep and rest than to watch tik tok all day long, it's better to be staying in your home rather than burning all of your money in malls buying stupid things that you don't need just to impress people or feel a little bit better for your weak life. It's better to be meditating than overthinking. Stay still for the moment, stop doing your bad habits and the right actions will be done naturally. All you have to do is guard yourself all the time and stay away from useless actions that are putting you on a bad position or status in life. Avoid pleasures, avoid instant gratification, that's all you need to do and your life will get better. If you can't discipline yourself then you will become a slave to pain forever. You will find yourself on a wrong place all the time but if you can start doing the things that you don't like but beneficial then you will grow and evolve into a better human being. You don't need to study here, you don't need to compete or make yourself the best, you just need to stay away from the things and activities that are making your life worse. Stop degrading your life with entertainment, pleasures, comfort and wrong information. Start upgrading by doing what is hard but very beneficial in the future. The choice is always yours, you care in control here, the only question is are you going to pick the right option available or are you going to fall into the trap of an easy life but has a lot of punishment in the end? What are you going to do about it? stop waiting for the right time to change because the right time is always now, it's now or never, are you all in or are you still thinking?
Mar 31, 2024
what you gonna do about it?
Mar 30, 2024
Don't worry if you're failing, don't worry if you made a mistake again. It's life, you're just a human and you must forgive yourself as fast as you can and keep moving forward. Go back to the right ways and never feel bad if something went wrong. You really have nothing to lose here, you're always gaining something every time you try and just enjoy the process. Your number of tries will never run out, how good was that? you can never lose here, you're always winning every time you are trying. At the end of the day you really don't need to win, you just need to experience life, experience how it feels to be giving your all and not holding yourself back because of fear of failure. And so what if you fail? do it again, repeat it again, keep failing until failure doesn't want to do anything with you anymore, keep failing until you become successful.
Every decision is the right decision. You can never go wrong here if you will make your decision right, meaning you will make a stand for it and fight for it. You will make it work even if nothing is working. You will force fate, you will make your skin thick and face all the consequences of your decision. You will never care about what people say, you will never care if you're slow or fast... you will just do it and make it work. There is nothing to be scared of, the only thing you need to be scared is when you are not moving because it means you're already losing and going down, it means you're on a downward spiral. So start now, pull the trigger, tighten your pants and never stop. Go all the way and never stop, you can become unstoppable if you will use your willpower to keep taking steps no matter what. This is an easy job, just don't think about the results and you will have so much fun.
you can't decide if you will take actions, you can't decide if you will go all in, you can't decide if you're going to take risks or not. In other words you are afraid of moving that's why you can't make any progress at all. Nothing else matter other than working hard and giving your all. If you will really give your best then there is nothing else to worry about. Just move forward if they can't stop you then that's their problem. Your only problem is taking actions and nothing else. If you are moving then you're already progressing. Never care about success, money, likes, status etc. Just keep on pushing forward and you will be good, you will become happier and more peaceful. The reason why you feel so depressed is because you're not forcing yourself to take actions, you will really feel stuck if you're lazy. Stop feeling entitled of something if you're not working as hard as you can. You will only have respect of yourself if you will give your all.
Mar 29, 2024
The reason why you can't move is because you're always looking for success that's why you're so conservative, worried, anxious and doesn't want your hands to get dirty. That's why you're stuck, that's why you can't make a progress, you're thinking about success and you want a perfect route. Let's think different this time, this time look for failures, try as much as you can and fail big time, don't worry about success, don't you even dare to think about it... look forward to fail so there will be no resistance in trying. This kind of mentality will make you avoid perfection, it will be very easy for you to execute. Your real problem is not the lack of skills or talent, your real problem is laziness, being scared to try and always looking for comfort and easy ways. This time look for discomfort, look for failures, you need to try, keep trying again and again. This kind of mentality will make you work harder than before, faster than before. Accept that you're going to fail and keep trying over and over again until you succeed. It's much better to move than to just wait for luck and opportunity. You will never be able to make a breakthrough if you're always holding yourself back, you need to try, you need to move. Be fast and never step on the brakes. At the end of the day winning doesn't matter at all, what matters is you give yourself a chance to win and did it your way. What matters is you allow yourself to become free of critics, fear of failure and anxiety of the future. What will happen will happen, you don't need to become perfect, you don't need to win all the time. Just keep failing and see how far can you go. Most people were avoiding failures that's why they can't become successful. What if you don't avoid failures? what if you seek for it instead shy away from it? what if you take more risks? what if you do it your way? how do you think you will live? I bet you will get happier, you will feel more freedom, you will become more creative and expressive, you will work harder and learn more, how good was that? Starting today learn to fail and never give up.
Just work hard and keep trying, that's your plan. Have no specific plan, be free and just follow your heart. Just don't waste time and that's it. Most people are talking about their plans but they don't execute, they're full of arrogance and laziness. What if you don't have any plan and just work hard? what if you just keep climbing and climbing until you finally get on the top of the mountain? what if you face all the challenges and fears? what if you just do it no matter what? Stop being too perfect and just do the work to get to the next level. Look for failures and not success, stop aiming for a perfect record and have a dirty record until you get to your desired destination.
Mar 28, 2024
Winning is every easy, success is just an emotion, so when you feel good even if you lost... you're still a winner. The key to winning is to never let other people get in the way and do it your way, just try and take the risk... trust me you will feel so much better because you feel so free and expressive, if you can try without thinking about the consequences then you already feel like a winner. Most people feel like a loser not because they didn't win but because they didn't try. If you will be the authority of your life and not look for permission from other people before you try then you will feel like a real winner. Just work hard, give your very best and never mind if you win or lose, that's it. You will feel like a winner, you will experience greatness if you will give your all. Winning is every simple, make sure you're on the edge of your skill, just focus and never play around. Take it seriously but don't ever feel like it's your only life, be open to any kind of experience even losing, that's the easiest way to express yourself. Don't attached yourself too much with success, don't give too much pressure on yourself and just enjoy the process. Just start now and let's see what happen, follow your game plan if you have and always follow your heart. Never let the fear of failure get in the way, never let someone's opinion affect your decisions. You have to do it with all your heart and never judge any mistake that you commit. Winning is not about getting the prize, it's about knowing what you can do if you push yourself to the limits. Just go all in, focus on the process and never complain if it is hard. Never explain yourself, never compare yourself to others. Focus on doing your best and be satisfied with that.
The real prize is being able to build a strong character by chasing something, it's developing the right habits to become a better person. It's creating a newer version of you, it's building the right mentality. You will feel happier if you improve mentally, if you believe in yourself and discover your full potential. You will feel like a winner already if you take matters into your own hands and never let anybody do the winning for you. Do it yourself and never let the external things affect your mind. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is you give your all and you never rely on somebody. You have what it takes to make it, just keep going further and take it one step at a time. Be patient, enjoy the process, take baby steps, it's ok if you are slow but don't ever waste time. Make yourself productive, make yourself the hardest worker that you can be. Focus on what matters the most and never let any nonsense distract you. You will only see your true potential if you go all the way. The time is now, start your journey now an never look back, winning is easy, it's all in the mind. If you can conquer your mind then you already won, as simple as that.
Mar 27, 2024
While waiting for a job interview that feels like not going to come, study more, learn more and practice more skills. That's the way to increase your chances of getting a job. While waiting for your coach to play you in a basketball game... practice your shooting, lift weights, build more muscles and get stronger. While waiting for the right girl of your life... make yourself better, make more money, make your dickk bigger, make your life better. You need to get stronger while waiting, you need to work harder even if the opportunity hasn't presented itself yet. Most people's problems is they're waiting for an opportunity, they're waiting for luck but they're not working harder on themselves, they simply just want to wait and do nothing. Luck will only happen in your life if you're trying to improve everyday. Don't waste your time and energy feeling depressed for an opportunity that hasn't come yet. You need to take actions now and put yourself on a better position to succeed. You know what to do, you just need to do it. Stop blaming life, stop blaming something why you are not getting ahead in life, you will only win if you're using all of your time for improving and trying. If there is no opportunity then you better make one, you will only be able to do that by trying to get better every single day and doing whatever it takes to succeed. You have to believe in the process, try to improve every single day in whatever you do and you will see the difference.
Because it's the only choice you have, if you're not working everyday while waiting for an opportunity then you will become washed. Your skills will go down, you will never evolve, you will be left behind. You will become rusty and weak, you will fall off the competition. You have to stay dedicated to your craft and avoid wasting time for nothing. Everyday is an opportunity to grow, the question is are you going to devour it? are you going to take this opportunity or waste it like others? the power is in your hands, you have to stay committed or else you will never go anywhere. Dedicate yourself to greatness even if you're not seeing any results, keep moving forward all the time and push yourself to the limits. Be patient and never get frustrated, your time will come, you just need to pay the price first.
Keep attacking, keep moving forward, try as much as you can and improve as much as you can. It's better to be working hard than being lazy and useless. Make yourself useful everyday, do something that will improve your motor skills, be more disciplined, you still need to grind even if you are waiting for an opportunity. Preparation will meet luck, the harder you work the luckier you will get so don't be afraid to grind even if results were not guaranteed, just make it as your culture, make it as your daily habit to work as hard as you can. every single day. At the end of the day you are not doing it for others, you are doing it for yourself. Your life gets better and better every time you are trying to improve everyday. You are giving yourself a favor so stop holding yourself back, stop acting like a clown and force yourself to improve.
Mar 26, 2024
It's very simple and basic but a little bit hard especially if you have a lot of bad habits... stay away from temptation, that's it. Stay away from pleasures, block all the seductions and you will have a very strong mind, as simple as that. You get weaker and weaker because you're not stopping yourself from doing a lot of stupid activities that makes you weak, slow and unproductive. If you want to have a strong mind then learn to enjoy making sacrifices. Learn to have fun doing what is hard but beneficial, you have to be ok being bored. Laziness and pleasures makes a mind weak, if you can't fight your urges then you will have a miserable life that has no direction. Sacrifices and practicing delayed gratification is the path to a better life. Choosing the hard way is the way, choosing what is boring but beneficial is the only path to make your mind stronger that what it use to be.
Thinking about the past makes a mind weak. It is fun right? you love the pain, you think you can change the past by thinking a different scenario, you think you can still go back to the past and do better. You can never replay your life that's why you need to focus on the present moment and make the best out of it. Always give your very best no matter what, be appreciative and never let petty things bother you. Control your mind, infiltrate the thoughts that are not serving you at all. You have what it takes to strengthen your mind and make your life better. It's all about taking actions and being patient. Be fast but never rush the process, never take shortcuts, never look for an easy way because it is the path to weakness and failure. You have to do it even if it is hard, be happy when you're having a hard time because all it does is make you better and stronger.
Set a goal and focus on it. It can be health, money, success, self development etc. Goals will give you challenges that will strengthen your mind. It will improve your perseverance and mental toughness. Your goals will give you a direction, it will force you to move, it will force you to do something better. It will give you power and endurance to keep going even if the going gets tough. Take it one day at a time, look at yourself all the time and stop yourself if you're doing something foolish or useless. You have to use your time the right way and never give up to challenges that is trying to stop you. You have to keep moving forward even if it is hard, do the impossible, allow yourself to dream believe and work hard. It is very simple... just give your best, give your all and your mind will get stronger.
Choose to get better everyday, choose to get stronger, that's how to improve your mind. You can do it, you can improve, you can become the best version of yourself. It all starts in your head, look at your thoughts and never let negativity poison your mind, you have to keep believing and never entertain any destructive thoughts that are making you weak. You can only stay motivated and determined if you will reprogram your mind to think the right way all the time. It's your duty to guard your mind, protect it and never let any fear stop you.
Mar 25, 2024
Simplify your life to make it easier for you. Don't take it so hard, don't take it seriously. You just need to breathe and you're good. Make it a basic, make it simple and don't complicate it by doing a lot of nonsense things and thinking too much. You have what it takes to be free, you can become happier if you will simplify your life. Don't be too harsh on yourself, love yourself. Just do your best, you don't need to become rich, you don't need to become happy all the time. Life simply means breathing, living and being open to experience. You don't need any external validation, you don't need anything to make you happy. Happiness will come and go so don't chase it, be one with your emotion but learn to control your feelings. Don't let temptation or anger make you do stupid things, just stick with your philosophy and always choose the right thing to do no matter what. Don't pressure yourself trying to chase money, it's ok to test yourself but never let success control you or jail you. The number one goal is to be free, do what you want and never let anything or anyone make you a slave. Live with a purpose, always choose to get better everyday. Never care if you're struggling or slow, just keep moving forward all the time and be open to any kind of experience.
You don't need to become popular, you don't need to become a big time winner, just give your best and that's enough, just try as hard as you can and that's enough. If you win you win, if you lose so be it. Never label yourself as a winner or a loser, identify yourself as someone who is trying to juice as much as you can with your life. Be open to pain, absorb your fears, feel your emotions and never judge yourself. You are the one who is putting too much pressure on yourself, you are the one who is creating your own problems. Always remember that you can survive anything, surviving is winning, that is enough to keep you motivated. You don't need a lot of things, everything is just a bonus. You can wish for something but never let it as a basis of your happiness. Happiness is unpredictable, it can come from anywhere or anything, you can become happy from just a simple joke. You can get happy by simple appreciating things, you can become happy anytime you want, it's just a matter of conditioning your mind. Happiness that comes from external things is a fake happiness, you become fragile by having that kind of mindset. You can become happy now even if you don't have money, you can become happy now even if you're in a terrible spot. Just practice gratitude, being appreciative is enough to give you good feelings.
No need to be scared, you got this, let go of the things and people that doesn't serve you and just give your very best. You will be alright, don't make life harder than it seems.
Mar 22, 2024
hard work is never a waste of time

People doesn't want to work hard because they feel stuck. They feel that what they're doing is not giving them anything, that's why they're not passionate, that's why they don't want to persevere. The key to greatness and passion is belief. If you believe in what you do then you will make it. Just keep on believing keep on working, stay disciplined my friend and never give up, as simple as that. Just keep goin and that's it, you don't need to worry about anything anymore, just keep pushing, keep working and never give up, that's all you need to do. Force the body to move, force the discipline. You should focus on doing something that will make your life better instead of focusing on low value activities. It's on you if you want to get successful in life, the power is in your hands. It's just a matter of choosing the more difficult path and believing the process. Develop the ability to become unafraid of work. It's just work, it won't kill you, all it can do is make you better so why be afraid of it? Hard work is beneficial, it's never a waste of time because all it does is take you to another level.
This is the key, this is the trick, just try and never care about the future. It's all about trying and attracting success and opportunities. Don't expect to win right away when you work hard, just work hard today and never care if you win or not, success will come naturally if you don't stop. Take it one step at a time and never judge your situation. Forget the past, forget what will happen next and simply give your very best. Never waste time because it will destroy your focus, it will only make you struggle even more. Focus on what matters most and use all of your energy to accomplish your tasks.
The real resistance is in your head. You're the only one who is stopping yourself with your thoughts. If you will just learn how to feel unstoppable then it will manifest in reality. Just feel that you can do anything you want. It means you need to take massive actions and be willing to feel uncomfortable all the time. When you feel that nothing can stop you then nothing can stop you, as simple as that. Be a force, see yourself winning, pushing and progressing. Always look for the next best step that you can take. Stop making excuses and just do what you need to do, as simple as that.
There are two main reasons, they are not focused or they don't have a vision. Some people will work for a few days and will slack off for a few weeks. Some people are working really hard but doesn't have any goal that's why they are stuck. You need to work hard for your goal, don't work hard for a company, don't work hard for your job, work hard on yourself, try to get better each day so that your value will go higher. If you can improve every single day then you will attract better opportunities that will give you huge progress. So stop working hard for someone's business, stop working hard for someone's goal, stop killing yourself to earn a few bucks and focus on your own ideas and goals, strive to improve a skill that will give you a much better life. If you keep on doing what you've been doing then you will never go anywhere.
Mar 19, 2024
Just because you worked hard a little bit doesn't mean you are allowed to reward yourself with a lot of stupidity, vacation, entertainment, food rest etc. That's the reason of you being broke and defeated. You don't have a discipline, you just wanted to feel good all the time. You think rewarding yourself is the thing, you think it's the way of life. You think that bad luck is tripping, you think that your life is not good because it is unfair but the truth is you're the one who is sabotaging your own life. You want instant gratification all the time, you want to be rewarded with the little effort that you did. You're addicted to pleasures and comfort, you want an easy life but you're not going hard. If you really want comfort then you need to make big time sacrifices first, don't ever think that you deserve a good life if all you do is work a little bit then spend all of your money for stupid things and act like an entitled person. Always looking for pleasures is making you weak, slow and broke. It's not doing you any good, you have to choose sacrifices if you want to get stronger and better. It is what it is, the harder path is the right path and the easier path will lead to misery and failures.
Delayed gratification, exercise, studying lessons, saving or investing your money, working harder, eating healthier foods, not following the crowd. We all know these, these are the fundamentals to have a better life yet most people doesn't want to follow it. It's pretty basics, the basic and harder ways are the right ways to go to the top. There is no secret ingredient here, you just need to endure the difficulties for now so that you will have a better life in the future. If your life is miserable it doesn't mean bad luck is following you, it means you're sabotaging yourself. You're wasting a lot of time, you're not creating, you're just consuming. If you don't have a discipline then you will never be able to go further, you will never win and you will have a lot of regrets. It's because you know you can do more but you didn't. You hold yourself back and you choose activities that are easier, fun but useless. All it takes is make your life simple, don't do something that will never make your life prosper. Discipline your mind and body. Think only about the thoughts that will help you, every thought is either improving you or making you worse. Imagination is a very powerful thing, you become what you think about. Take actions with higher value, always do the move that will make you better, stronger, richer, smarter and faster. The problem with you is you're too addicted to comfort, it's making you weak and you don't know it. Or maybe you know it but you're not doing something about it. You are just letting laziness eat you, you're not doing everything you can to improve your life. All you need is willpower, you can make your willpower stronger everyday by practicing it. DO what is hard, do what is uncomfortable and keep going no matter what. Even if you're slow, even if you're not that good enough... still power through. Just keep going, it's ok to stop but never do something else that will distract you. Rest or take a break but never destroy your focus. You have what it takes to win and keep going, it's just a matter of focusing on the right things that will make you better. Always remember that the hard choices are the right choices.
Just move, always choose taking actions over procrastinating. Time is fast, you only have one life, why will you use it for nonsense things that doesn't even matter. You have to know how far can you go, test yourself, this is a one time thing, don't ever waste it.
Mar 17, 2024
Humans are very special because unlike animals we can change directions, we don't have a specific speed, we don't have any limits, we can speed up or slow down, we can do more or get lazier. The choice is always yours, you can become something big or you can take your days for granted and live like a useless bum. It's really up to you, you are in control here, you have the power. You can do it now or you can do it later but you will have a harder time. Doing it now will make everything easier, the stress will go away, the heavy feelings and laziness will be gone.
You can always rise up, you can always do something, this is your power that you should be cherishing. Something is disturbing you, something is making you feel bad and stuck and you're allowing it. It's just a matter of beating the resistance that is derailing your progress. Never wait for a client who is not replying, never wait for a teammate that is lazy and late, never feel bad if bad luck is making life harder for you, never feel sorry if you made a mistake, never let critics make you slow and feeling negative, never let your vices stop you from succeeding. The mindset is very simple... keep moving forward despite of how you feel. Because if you're always giving attention to what makes you feel bad then you're making your life harder than what it use to be. Always push forward no matter what, this should become your culture and habit, you should not feel any resistance at all. At the end of the day you own nothing, you have really have nothing to lose because you don't have anything when you were born so why be afraid of losing something. You were born with nothing and you will die with nothing, this life is just a fun game to play. Never take anything personally, never feel bad about something that really doesn't matter because it's only slowing you down. You have to do what you need to do, never feel sorry for anything that wasn't your fault, never be so sensitive, never care about what people think because you can never control their thoughts at all. The key is to just do it and never give up, keep pushing and go all the way.
Stop living in the past, forget your imaginations and just do the work. Ignore all the things that you don't have and try to make the best out of your life. The time is now, if you will not discipline yourself then you will never make it. You have to go all the way and sacrifice everything in order to become the person that you need to become to win in life. You're living in stupid dreams and it's waiting a lot of your time. Wake up and do something. Drag yourself if you need to, remember that you need to take massive actions in order to win in life, you will never make it if you're always hesitating and not doing something to improve your situation. Become a man on a mission, use all of your strength and energy to change your life. You can speed up or slow down, it's really up to you. Remember that speed loves success, if you are slow then you will keep eating leftovers. It's your call, it's your decision, give everything you've got or settle for a mediocre life.
Mar 15, 2024
Don't judge yourself, don't anticipate the future, remove all the worries and anxieties and just do it. It will be easier if you will stop thinking and just take the first step. Follow through when you already have a momentum and never stop until you're done, this is how to finish a difficult task. What makes it difficult is you inaction and lack of focus, you want to do a lot but you're not doing a lot, you're simply procrastinating and waiting for the day to be over. The one thing that is stopping you is overthinking and trying to become perfect, there is no such thing as perfection but there is such thing as giving your best. Give your best and that's it, give your all and good things will be attracted to you. Giving your best is very easy and simple... just push yourself to take actions now and go hard, this is not a complicated thing, even a toddler can do it.
Sometimes you don't know if you're giving your best or not but the truth is if you're serious about your goals, if you're not wasting any second then you're already giving your best. If all of your actions is for the better and you're trying to eliminate your habits then you're already giving your best. Stop being too hard on yourself, stop being a perfectionist and just work as hard as you can. Keep going further no matter what. Stop wasting your energy for nonsense activities. If you can work really hard and taking everything seriously then that is already giving your very best, there is nothing else to worry about anymore. Push yourself to go all the way, give everything you've got no matter what and take matters into your own hands. Don't be afraid if the progress is slow, just don't waste time and always give your very best no matter what. Push yourself to the limits and never give up. Keep aiming for the best, always have the mindset to succeed even if the problems and obstacles are trying to destroy your determination. The game plan is very simple... give your all at any given time, stop waiting for the perfect timing and just do it. Never hold yourself back, never think that something might go wrong and just do what you can do. Be fast, never make excuses, never look back, always find a way how to keep going and just allow yourself to move even if it feels so uncomfortable. Stop being a perfectionist because it will make you stuck forever, it will never give you any leverage, the only advantage you can have is being fast and not wasting time. Execution is better than perfection, you will become very productive if you're focused on doing it early and fast. Waiting is the number one game of losers, they keep on waiting until the day is over and they can't do anything anymore. Force yourself to take actions now even if you don't like it, this is the very key to progress and success. You have to choose action over indecision, you have to execute even if you don't have the resources to make it perfect. Learn to adapt and improvise, learn to enjoy the struggle and pressure because that is where growth is.
Giving your very best is the easiest thing to do because all you have to do is exert a very strong effort. You don't need to think about the things that are out of your control, you just need to focus on working hard and going the extra mile. Forget about perfection because it will only make you overthink and stuck, it will never give you any progress. Just start now and do what you can do with all your heart.
Mar 12, 2024
This is the number one reason why you can't change your life... you're full of crap, you're full of garbage activities. You don't stick with the basics that will give you a much better and happier life. You are the one who is complicating your life, you don't have any direction, you don't have any plan, you can't discipline yourself. If you want to experience a different kind of life then force yourself to change, believe in hard work, believe that you can make a breakthrough. Go all in and never stop, build a momentum and never let it die, you have to keep pushing forward towards greatness if you want to live a better and stronger life. It is what it is, it's going to get harder but it's the only way to get better. Stay away from time wasters, you need to believe in your work because if not then you will not take it seriously, the result is you will have no direction and willpower to keep going no matter what. It's time to become a no nonsense person, it's time to grind and focus on the process that will give you a much better life. All you need to do is focus and you will become successful, as simple as that. It is simple but it is hard because you're not forcing yourself to stick with the process, once you mastered the habit of focusing on one thing... you will become unstoppable, you will become a force to reckon with. You need to start now, eliminate all the thoughts and activities that are derailing your progress, you have to go all in and giver everything you've got for a goal. The time is now, take it seriously or else you will go down. The idea is to eliminate everything that is making you slower and weaker, even if it is fun and entertaining... eliminate it if you want to go to the next level. It's not about upgrading your skill or learning something new, it's about eliminating everything that is trying to stop you from growing. Start now, just try and never give up, you can do it if you're really serious of getting better and stronger. You will become unstoppable if your discipline is very strong.
If you want to have a strong mind and body, if you want to become relentless and one of a kind then you better stay away from garbage thoughts and activities that are not making you better. Elimination is the key not addition, eliminate all the destructive habits, rewire your brain and make new connections that will make you faster and hungrier to succeed. Condition your mind to keep going no matter what. Stick with the basic things that will make you better, keep repeating it, repetition is the key here, you will see results if your effort was already enough. For the mean time you really have to grind and be patient while waiting, you need to believe that every action is the right action. Never judge your situation, just because you're not making any progress doesn't mean you're not progressing. Yes you are you just cant' see it yet because you want to rush the process, you want to win fast and that kind of mentality will be the reason for your failure. This is not a race, this is a marathon, your endurance and perseverance will play the biggest role in your journey. It's ok if you are slow but never waste some time, never take any day for granted and always focus on giving your very best.
Mar 11, 2024
You're not attractive because you're lazy, you're not giving everything you can even if you can give more. You're only exerting 50% of your true energy, There is so much you can do but you're always stopping yourself from evolving. That's why you're very sad n your life and not motivated at all. Hard work is the only thing that you can rely on, you can trust it with all your heart. It's better than help, connections, fake friends, unhealthy habits and entertainment. It's the only thing that will give you confidence, self esteem, power and pride. If you are a legit grinder then you will never feel inferior anymore because you just knew you can create your own opportunity. You will never be afraid of not getting anything for today because you knew you can get something tomorrow. Hard work attracts opportunities, jobs, money, breaks, success, people. They will love you because you can be trusted, they will look for you because you are fast and can get the job done. So if you're unattractive at the moment it means you're lazy. The world hates lazy people, you will never be rewarded if you're always procrastinating. You have to low hard work and life will also love you back. Because you will get the hate if you are lazy, you will become a negative force, you will never grow, luck will never come to you. The only way to get luck is to work hard, the harder you work the more opportunities you will get. It's simply about taking the first step and following through, as simple as that.
You can become unlimited if you work hard, your skills will develop, you will go to the next level. Greatness can happen to you if you're working insanely hard and not stopping at all. It's simply about being relentless and falling in love with the process. Stop wasting time and force yourself to move, do whatever it takes to create a momentum that will bring you to the top. They will see something different from you if you're working hard, something about how you carry yourself, something about the way you move. You will look more confident if you're a legit hustler because you feel deep inside that you can do something great, and how you feel is how you affect people's treatment towards you. Just work hard, if you don't know what to do just work hard and keep going. Never stop, follow your dreams and never give up, what you can do to make you closer from your dreams... do it now and never wait for the right time. Because the right time will never come, the right time is always now. Be fast, be bold and stay aggressive. One foot after the other, look for something you can do, look for a space where you can operate. The steps you can take will never run out. If you're lost so be it, it's ok because you will find a way. It's simply about persevering and trusting yourself a little bit. Fix this quote in your mind "if there is a vision there is a destination" You can arrive at your desired place if you will just use your willpower and keep going no matter what. Difficulties doesn't matter, problems are nothing, it's all about the hard work and willingness to win.
Mar 9, 2024
your dream is to fail
It's time to go all in, it's time to give your all, you're not failing that's why you're not winning. You will only win after failing a lot of times, you're not even trying that's why you don't know how it feels like to lose. You have to look for failures and risk, if you're not failing then it means you're not even trying. You should know how it feels like to give everything you've got, believe and then fail. If this happens then you're already on the next level. You will win after a numerous of failures so just keep going, never care if you win or lose, just try with all your might and keep pushing yourself to the limits. This is the only way to make a breakthrough... to focus on failing and believe that in the end you will win, the last laugh is yours, never care if you're losing now because in the end you will win. Failure is the requirement for success, disappointments should be your fuel, never care if you're not getting anything because you will get everything in the end. It's just like investing, you lose a lot of times, you experience heartbreaks but you will thrive in the end. When it's hard keep getting harder, stop being soft and taking this day for granted, you need to man up, stand up and believe that you can make it. It's only just a matter of time before you win, you have to keep the faith and never let any disappointment make you weak and scared. You have to keep getting braver every time you fail, don't be afraid to embarrass yourself, don't be afraid to try over and over again. You can try as much as you want and nobody can stop you.
Fail your way to succeed. Keep on failing, just keep on experiencing it over and over again and never give up, as simple as that. This is the most effective blueprint for success. All you need to do is keep working hard and keep failing and that's it. There is nothing wrong with that. It's a path that most people are afraid to take because they don't want their efforts to get wasted. So just take actions and never stop, that's the way to do it. It's ok if you failed a million times because nobody will remember it. You will only go through fire and adversity, you will never evolve if you're always winning. Because if you're always winning then it means you're traveling the easier path, it means someone is carrying you, you're not really doing it by yourself. You have to keep on trying, never give up and push yourself to the limits. It is what it is, it's not going to be a walk in the park but you can thrive if you don't give up. Just try now, stop wasting time, stop putting off until tomorrow what you can do today, stop delaying and just do whatever it takes to win. You can make it if you really want it, all it takes is willpower and tenacity, just start now and keep going no matter what. Your dream is to fail, fail with dignity, fail by fighting and not taking your chances for granted. Because you will win in the end if you don't quit, success is guaranteed if you give your all. It's time to take over, fail your way to success.
Mar 6, 2024
You thought it's dangerous that's why you don't go, you thought you can't make it, you thought you don't deserve it, you thought that there is a perfect timing for everything but don't you know that your mind was manipulated by unsolicited advices and unwanted suggestions earlier? something already manipulated your mind and that's the main reason why you are scared. Somebody told you that it's not the right thing to do, a random information from news or social media causes you to worry. You have to protect your own mind, never let a gossip or a stupid suggestions or information from somebody stops you from taking actions. You need to be aware if it's instincts or just a fear created by external things. If you want to become strong and unstoppable then you need to be aware if you are being manipulated or not. A random information from a fraud blogger, gossips from a toxic person or simple criticism from haters will make you a scared puppy, the mind can go from being brave to being scared so fast so be aware of your information intake because most of the time you're digesting the wrong and poisonous information from unreliable sources.
You need to stop being easy to persuade, learn tp create your own philosophy that will protect your mind from negative information. At the end of the day most of their suggestions were not real, anything from the news is only trying to scare you to control you. Media is full of lies so never believe it. Reject everything that is trying to stop you from taking actions, stop believing so fast, you have to test it first if it's real. Don't be afraid to take risk, don't be afraid to express your ideas and own beliefs. Why will you b scared of something that can't kill you? learn to put everything on perspective, learn to condition your mind to become brave and active. Stretch your mind be open to anything but don't ever let random information manipulate you and stop you from doing what you believe. Sometimes you feel that avoiding an action is instincts but the truth is you're just scared because you listen to what people say, you need to investigate and think first before judging something, you need to be aware and gather enough information to know if it's true or not. Because most people are just trying to scare you especially if you're trying something new or chasing your dreams, it's because they're just insecure because they can't chase their own dreams. You have to choose bravery over cowardice, choose action over inaction all the time. The time for being a chicken is over, you need to give everything you've got and push yourself to the limits.
Focus on moving forward, focus on chasing your goals and your fear will go away. Have no time for thinking because it's only destroying your life. Stop making excuses and just give your very best every single day. Time is fast and it will never wait for you, stop wasting a lot of time overthinking and being scared of something that hasn't happen yet. Just do it, take it one step at a time and never give up, that's all you need to do.
Mar 5, 2024
It's avoidance and learning how to stop yourself whenever there is an urge that leads to self sabotage. You get mentally stronger every time you stop yourself from doing something useless or stupid but entertaining and fun. Sacrificing what is fun to get better and more disciplined. Just move forward and do what is more important, do the things that will make you stronger, richer and smarter. If it will never give you anything then why the hell will you do it? you're only killing yourself, you need to wake up and do what is important, do what will give you more energy and success. Mental strength means avoiding the thoughts that makes you weak, it's controlling your mind, it's stopping yourself from taking actions that will make your life worse. Because every action and thoughts is either making you better or making you worse. The good news is you have the power to choose, you just need to train yourself to make the right choices because most of the time your choices were wrong because you always go for the easier and enjoyable option that has no substance at all.
Stop practicing immediate gratification, stop celebrating if you haven't achieved anything, stop doing stupid stuffs that are fun but will never give you any leverage. You have to capitalize everyday, every single day or single second is giving you an opportunity to get better. Every resistance is making you a tougher person, so be mindful of your choices and never let temptation make you think like a child, you have to stop your urges, never let the trap of having fun destroy your chances of making it in life. Achieving mental strength requires a lot of patience, mindfulness and endurance. Endure boredom, endure a harder path because it is the only path to self development, you will never grow if you're always having fun and choosing pleasures over sacrifices, you will get weaker and weaker every time you choose fun and easy. It's time to grind like hell, it's time to make yourself a beast, it will only happen if you will always choose the harder path like exercise, studying, developing a new skill, saving money, avoiding scrolling on social media and pushing yourself to the limits. You will never see your full potential if you're always doing the same thing that has no potential of making you great. Chase greatness, chase your dreams, this is the only way to experience a different life. get serious with the process and stay consistent. Never waste a single day doing stupid stuffs that are making you fragile and lazy. You need to make a stand for greatness only.
Control your mind, infiltrate the negative thoughts, never let any stupid information poison it. Most people were really talented but they don't have the discipline that's why they end up being a failure and miserable. If you don't want to become like them then stop acting like them, choose a different path, choose what is hard over easy.
By 2:30 by you should have uploaded at least 5 videos. by 3:50 pm you need to finish studying a subject. By tomorrow you need to finish all your laundry, by 3:30 am you should finish washing the dishes. The reason why there is no sense urgency on your part is because you don't have deadlines, you are ok being late, you are ok being slow and lazy and that's why you can't accomplish something. Setting deadlines will make you create a small system that works it will make you productive and fast, it will make you efficient and responsible. The reason why you get lazier everyday is because you never push yourself, you're not a finisher, maybe you're a starter but you don't have what it takes to finish a simple task. You need to drag yourself into taking action now, quit talking, quit making excuses and just do it. If you want to evolve or make a breakthrough then you need to have an insane speed to finish something and then repeat it again for a million times... that's how to go to the next level. Because you will get stuck forever if you will never set a deadline, your brain will tell you that it's ok to slow down, that it is ok to chill because nothing bad will happen. But you're just fooling yourself, you're making your life worse every time you delay something, you are only making it harder for your life because you're building a very lazy culture that attracts nothing but weak opportunities. You are setting your life up for failure every time you get comfortable with where you are. So stop being a chicken and just move, it doesn't matter if you already wasted a lot of time, what matters is you are following a deadline and you have no plans of not following it, you must enforce a strict rule that you will be punished by death if you don't follow the deadline, it is what it is, if there is no fear then there will be no movement at all.
Never care about the output, just care about the deadlines. You need to be finishing something before the set deadline, it doesn't matter if it destroys your reputation or not, it doesn't matter if it is affecting your brand, just follow the deadline. It is what it is, you can't be extending the deadline because you will only get lazier and slower by doing that, it will become the start of a slow system. Speed kills, speed will attract success and opportunities, you need to set a deadline no matter what, do it no matter what, even if is too uncomfortable, even if it gets ugly... just follow the deadline and never care about what's going to happen next. So never care if you will produce an ugly product, it's a punishment for starting late, just finish what you need to finish before the deadline and keep going no matter what. Never care about the results, striving for perfection makes you slow and worried, you need to focus on what you can do now and give everything you've got. Focus on being fast, focus on speed and tenacity, focus on endurance and build the mentality to finish what you've started as fast as you can without giving a lackluster performance, still give your very best even if you know that you're not going to make a beautiful output. You will be surprised with how efficient and productive you've become by following the deadlines that you set.
Mar 4, 2024
Greatness is very basic, it's too simple... it's simply about moving forward and nothing else, it's simply about not giving up and persevering from beginning to the end. It's not about money, success or fame... it's about giving your all no matter what. If you are doing something and pushing forward then you're already on the path of greatness, it's only just a matter of time before you see results, actually it's nota bout the results... it's about the person you become. Greatness means pushing yourself to the limits, it means not backing down to any challenge and staying consistent with the grind. It's forcing yourself to move even if you don't want to move, it's going against your emotions and making sacrifices for a better future... that's it. Never let anybody define what is greatness for you, it doesn't matter if you're not making lesser money, what matters is you are giving your very best every single day and you have no plan of quitting. It's alright if you keep on losing, don't be afraid to struggle over and over again, don't be afraid to focus on one thing and use all of your time and energy for it, just trust the process and soon you will get what you deserve.
Start following your heart now, never quit and never let pressure make you crumble. It's up to you if you want to become great or not, it's your decision, it will never be other people's call. You have to choose which path you will go, anyone can become great, even the least talented can become great if he chooses to work hard and dedicate his life into something. Greatness is a choice, it's a lifestyle, nothing can stop you if you choose to become unstoppable. So what the hell are you waiting for? start now and never stop, that's it, you will become great in just a matter of time. The first step is to destroy your excuses, just pull the trigger and never care about what's going to happen with the future, what will happen will happen, you have to giver everything you've got no matter what. Stop overthinking and just do the first step, when you're not ready then it means it's time to move. Force yourself to take actions no matter what and keep improving everyday. It doesn't matter if you're weak, even a person with nothing can become great, stop looking for reasons why you can't do something big, just start the grind today and allow yourself to get on top. Stick with the basics, have a clear vision and do whatever it takes to get there, as simple as that. Stop complicating the process and start giving your very best. So decide now, go all in and fight until the end, it's your life, you can do whatever you want with it. Focus on your vision, test yourself and never stop. The formula is too simple, just trust the process and neve hold yourself back. if you feel not ready then that is the time you need to take actions.
Mar 3, 2024
If you want your life to change then change your mind first and everything else will follow. Work on your mind, make it stronger and nothing can ever defeat you. Mind will control your life, your thoughts will make you take action that is connected to it. What you think is what you will become, this may sound absurd but it is scientifically proven already. Your thoughts is your reality. So if you keep on thinking about money, if you believe that you already have it then you will have it but if your mind was occupied by problems and useless information then good luck to you, you will stay broke forever and you will always attract negative situations. Life is just a mind game, the real work is on your mind, if you can make your mind think the right way, if you can erase the destructive thoughts that was brought by the past then you will have a special life. Work on your mind and you will be able to elevate your game, it's just a matter of consistency and discipline. Think about what you want, focus on what you're trying to achieve and never entertain thoughts outside of it. Look at yourself all the time, be aware where you are focusing on, live in the present moment and never think about the future or past. Mind is a very powerful tool but it can also be the source of your destruction if you will not control it. The good news is you can think about the thoughts that you need and want, just stay in the present moment and entertain positive images only, you need to block all the negativity, block all the useless thoughts that are making you mad, jealous, bitter and lazy. Every thought is connected to either positive or negative action. If you keep on hating, being bitter then you will get lazy but if you're a positive person and happy all the time then you will be motivated to take actions. Your thoughts is a powerful tool that will either make you or break you so be careful of what you're thinking or imagining because it will create a chemistry to your body that will make you manifest what you're thinking.
Move now and you will feel much better, take actions and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. You need to become an animal, you need to become a beast if you really want to make a breakthrough. Stop waiting for god feelings, stop waiting for motivation because it will never come, you have to push yourself to the limits and never give up, keep going further, what you think is right, never judge yourself, follow your heart even if you're not so sure about it. You will only feel much better when you're moving, you will feel like a garbage when you're stagnant and too complacent. Just do something, actions will give you motivation. Stop watching movies, stop lying on bed, stop being lazy, stop overthinking and just move, choose actions over anything else because is the only thing that will give you progress, it will keep you sane, it will give you a much better life. It's very easy to move, just think that what you will do will give you power and momentum, just always think that taking actions is the best thing to do. Force yourself to just do it, just start and feel so good when you finish it.
Mar 2, 2024
Fear is not an issue because you're just a human being, you will get scared every once in a while, the real issue here is you don't have a philosophy, you don't have a mindset or a game plan. In any occasion you will be scared especially if there is pressure and something is on the line. You will be scared of the crowd, big challenges, critics, stronger opponent, failure, unfamiliar territory, someone who you think is better than you, big names and any other things that looks or feel scary. But you have to remind yourself that fear is just an illusion, you created it but the good news is you can also destroy it. You are scared because you didn't prepare your mind, you don't have a default thought which you can use when things didn't go your way. That's why you need to prepare yourself with different scenarios and be aware all the time if you are being anxious or overwhelmed.
Do something for the love of trying, not for the results, not for any external things but for the process alone. If you can fall in love with the process, if you can be ok with getting zero results then you will get better, you will become very productive, you will become happier than ever. Forget the results because you never know when it will come, just do what you need to do and that's it. Allow yourself to fail, struggle and feel the pain... this is the path to victory, you will feel more successful if you will never protect yourself from any kind of heartache. Because the reason why you're not progressing is because you don't want to get hurt. The real power is when you're not afraid to fail anymore... that's how you become a real winner. Expose yourself to danger, risk and disappointment, always give your best and never hold back... as simple as that. Trust me, you will be happier if you try even if you fail because it makes you feel so free and creative. If you try you already won, as simple as that. So if you want to feel free and happy... just go out there and try, take the risk as much as you can and never give up, you have to keep pushing, you have to keep going no matter what. A person who tries is already 100x better than a person who didn't. It is a basic formula that most people don't want to adapt because their minds were programmed that winning is the only thing that matters in this world, they're so afraid to fail that's why they're stuck in a mud forever. They can't make a progress, they can't pull the trigger, they're too scared of being embarrassed. It feels much better to be moving than to overthinking or procrastinating. The reason why you're so depressed is because you're driven by the results, you want to change your life right away, you don't want to undergo the process.
So it doesn't matter if you're scared or not, what matters is you have the philosophy of trying, just show up, just do it even if what is on the line is so big, take the risk, move your hands and feet and never care if everyone put a blame on you, never care if they tall you that you're trying hard or doing something that you can't. What matters is the bravery, you will only grow if you try and forget everything that will make you feel bad in the end, so what if you fail? you can try again tomorrow, you can do better next time, there is always a chance, there is always a room for adjustment, what matters is you live your life unlike others who are so scared to put their reputation in danger.
Mar 1, 2024
Just show up, it doesn't matter if you get nothing, it doesn't matter if you go home zero, just show up. Your time will come, the universe sees you, you are getting closer and closer to your dream. Just survive, do your best and never care if you're winning or losing, what matters is you work very hard and you give your all. Just show up everyday, it is a very good game plan, you don't need to win right away, you just need to stay consistent and something will click, it's only just a matter of time before you win. Just show up, it's not that hard, love the discomfort, embrace everything.
It's hard for you to make a progress because you care about those clowns too much. So what if he have a nice a new car? so what if they are winning? so what if they are doing something not nice? so what if they're winning and you're losing? so what if their lives were better than yours? you're giving them too much respect and time that's why you don't have time for yourself. Focus on your own journey, it's going to be hard because a lot of distraction will try to disturb you, a lot of things will try to slow you down and it's your responsibility to just ignore them. Those clowns will never help you so stop minding them, stop caring about them because they will never give you any edge.
Hard work is everything, just doing the work will get the job done. If you are working then your fears will go away, if you keep on hiding then you will get scared even more. Actions builds confidence, inaction builds doubts and fears. Just do what you need to do and never give up, that's it. It will never become hard if you will get use to it, your system will adjust, you will be able to adapt. Train yourself now to just show up, be early and consistent, keep pushing even if you're only making a small progress. This is not a race, it is a marathon, you don't need to win right away, you just need to build the right habits that will attract success. If you're not winning for now it only means your effort is not enough or you don't have the right habits to become a winner. Look at yourself, where is your time and energy going? It's just a matter of discipline, if you can force yourself to take actions whenever you feel comfortable then for sure you're going to win. Focus on what matters the most, focus on getting better everyday, be patient and never quit. Focus on what will give you an edge, never give time to stupidity and weak behaviors. The power is yours, you are in control here, you just need to show up everyday and grind as much as you can. Nothing can stop you, you can become relentless, you can create a new self image that is willing to do whatever it takes to win in life. Just do it, just show up and never stop.
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