Jul 21, 2023


The only thing to watch is if you're pushing or not. If you're not then you're going down, as simple as that. You need to keep pushing if you want to have a better life. The only concept is to push, stop thinking about anything else and just keep moving forward. It's either you go down or up, there is no in between. Ask yourself are you pushing or not? if not then that's the answer why you can't make a progress, that's the answer why you're frustrated with your life. Your energy was not being used, you are conserving it and that makes you weak and depressed. You need to execute all of your ideas, express yourself and use all of your energy to get better and feel better, as simple as that. It's the journey of becoming something, if you fall in love with the process then you will be able to go further rather than falling in love with the results. If you're so obsessed with the results then you will get frustrated along they way when you're expectations were not met. Test yourself, just do whatever you can do everyday and never hold back, it doesn't matter if you're a jack of trades guy, it doesn't matter if you're not focused on something... just do whatever you can and never stop. It's ok if you are slow but don't ever waste your time, don't waste a single second. 

Just push forward, the key is to push yourself to the limits to make a progress. They key is to stop thinking and just do whatever you can do to become successful, as simple as that. Push yourself when you feel lazy, it's better to be moving than not moving at all, stay busy, stay active and become progressive. Stop worrying about what you can't get and focus on pushing. If hustling is the only path you know so be it. Don't give up, don't give in. Just keep going no matter what and your will power will find a way. Don't want it fast, if you want it fast the work will get longer and heavier but if you are patient and willing to take it one step at a time then the work will get easier and shorter. The only way to a fast success is be willing to appreciate the small progress and never rush the process. 

If you want to get better then you better discipline yourself, stop all the nonsense that are not propelling you forward, stop all the activities and thoughts that are only making you weak, slow and useless. You're better than that, you can do something great if you will just discipline yourself to stay committed to the process that has a potential to make you successful. Discipline yourself now, today is the day, the only concept is to push and nothing else. If you are not pushing then you are not evolving, as simple as that. Stay uncomfortable and push yourself to the extremes. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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