Jul 3, 2023


There is nothing wrong in believing in yourself, greatness is for everyone, greatness requires effort and determination. If you are working hard, giving your all and has no plan to give up at all then you're already great, as simple as that. Greatness is simply about vision and action. If you have that vision, if you are doing something, if you are going to the extreme then you're already great, that is greatness. Greatness is not about the results, it's about your next move, if your intention for your action is to become great then you are great, there's no question about it. Push the process, push your body and mind, do whatever it takes to become better than yesterday. It is very simple, just stay consistent and repeat again what you did yesterday, believe in the compound effect, you may not see the results yet but it will catch up in the near future. You just need to stay consistent and never stop. 

Stop fooling yourself, taking actions is your only weapon and that's it. The only thing you need to do is to try, give your very best and that's it, as simple as that. If you really believe in yourself then you will work really hard, you will never care if you are right or wrong... you will just do it, you will always give yourself a chance to win, you will never become passive, you will stay aggressive all the time. You will feel hungry of success all the time, you will go to the extreme and will do what most people can't do. You will change, you will constantly evolve, you will go hard and never stop until you win. You will believe every second that you can do something special, you will never get intimidated with something that has really no power over you. You will believe in the power of your mind. 

Create that killer instinct, always strive to finish, always strive to become successful. Just push forward as much as you can and always put yourself on a better position to win. Never look for comfort when it is hard, always push harder when it is hard and never feel guilty if you're taking matters into your own hands. If you really want it then you will never care if you're looking like a fool or something, you will never care if people are hating you, you just believe that greatness is inside of you and you will never become scared to fail. You are here to try and become something special, you are here to stop being a mediocre, you just knew that you can accomplish something big by giving yourself the authority to take actions whenever things are harder than what it use to be. Don't look for an easy way out, don't look for comfort when it is hard and just follow your heart, follow what you really desire. What you really desire is harder to get, what you are doing now may not be what you really want because it is too easy and accessible. Look deep inside of you, ask yourself what do you really want in the long run?

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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