Jul 4, 2023


Stop being a spoiled weak clown, stop looking for comfort, stop looking or an easy path because it's not the answer. You are here to push forward and never give up, you are here to test yourself. Don't go back to your old bad habits, don't feel weak again, don't repeat your weak routine and start changing your route. be happy if it is hard because it means you are growing, you are evolving into a different animal so stick with that path and never change your lane. Stay on your own lane, enjoy the process and never give up. Giving up is for loser, it is for the weak, do you want to have regrets in your life? Every time your mind and body is looking for comfort, stop going that way and stick with the difficulty, if you're going through hell just keep going and never stop. It's only just a matter of time before you make a breakthrough. Because you've been looking for comfort all the time, how did it help you in your life? it never made you stronger, it only made you weaker and a loser. So stop looking for comfort and do what is hard, as simple as that. Stick with the grind, hustle everyday and never stop until you get what you want. It is what it is, it's going to be a lot of sacrifices, you need to pick the more boring and harder path in order to grow and make yourself a beast. Your life will never change if you keep on enjoying the easiest things and activities. You need to live like a lion, take the risk, enjoy hunting, enjoy the process and always stay uncomfortable. 

If it is hard do it hard, if it is easy do it easy. Never complain, never act like a chicken, you need to man up and do what will make your life better. At the end of the day you only have one life, why not use it? why not maximize it and do everything you can to become successful. The only choice you have is to go hard, go all the way and push yourself to the limits, never stop, never settle... just go hard and allow yourself to make a breakthrough. Destroy all of your limiting beliefs and always believe that you can win. It's only just a matter of time before you win, just be patient and always move forward no matter what. Focus is the key, once yo start never stop, never look for an easy way out. Discipline yourself, command your body to move and never rest because you're really not tired, you wanted to rest and do some other things because you're too lazy and soft. It's time to get harder today, it's time to make yourself a different animal. You will feel it if you're really giving your all, stop telling everyone that you already did your best because the truth is you only gave your 10% of strength, there's a lot left in you, you just need to think the right way and always embrace the pain, always embrace the process. 

Stop doing the things that you don't need to do, stop thinking the thoughts that you don't need to think, you better be a no nonsense guy if you wanted to succeed in life, you better use all of your energy and time for your purpose and goals only, that is if you wanted to see your full potential. You better change now, change your attitude, change your habits so the result in your life will change, as simple as that. Forget about how you feel, your feelings doesn't matter at all, stop feeling so entitled of something you didn't earn, stop looking for respect because you don't need it at all. Stop trying to look strong, just be strong and know what you can do. Avoid pleasures, avoid the easier path and just face what is in front of you, go as hard as you can and never back down to any challenge always believe in yourself, always go further as much as you can. 

Don't be afraid to move, don't be afraid to try and that's it. That's all you need to do, never mind what people say, never mind what they are thinking and just give yourself a chance to win, become the best version of yourself, put yourself on a beast mode all the time. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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