Jul 13, 2023


Life goes on, no matter how many wins you get, no matter how many losses you endure... life still goes on and it will never stop, it only means that it is really a journey and not a destination. The moment you stop aiming for something is the moment you got weaker and weaker. No matter how hard life is you've got to fight and give everything you've got, you've got to push yourself to make it happen. At the end of the day you will still pursue something no matter how big you get, you will always crave and long for something, there will always be another goal. Sometimes you win and sometimes you not, that's life. What matters is you try and you never give up, what matters is you did believe in yourself and you push yourself to the limits. It's easy to give up but it will only give you lifetime regrets and questions, it will make you think everyday what could have you achieved if you keep going. Giving up is easy but it will put you into misery forever. It's also very simple to not give up, just continue and take one step at a time. It doesn't matter if you're slow or fast, it doesn't matter if you're not getting something... just keep it going and do whatever it takes to make the next step. 

Every time there is a chance to attack, attack. Every time there is an opportunity to move, move. Never let your mind think, overthinking will only make you weak and slow. Fear will start to cripple in very time you worry about the things that you can't control. There is something you can do about your situation and you have to do it now, never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. You have to live your life to the fullest by not giving up and pursuing what you wanted to get so that your life will have meaning, so that it will have a direction. Don't just live for the sake of living and breathing, take chances, do something you haven't done before and face your fears no matter what. At the end of the day you will never lose anything, you don't need to experience everything but you have to give yourself a chance to see your full potential. 

There is always a next move, no matter how hard your life is, even if you made millions of mistakes in the past... there is always a next move and that's the only thing that matters. Your next move can be good or bad, it can be useless or effective. It all depends on you. You can make a very strong momentum from your next move. Just take the next move and never mind if you are right or wrong, just do it, forget about the consequences and just do it. Nothing bad will happen to you. Just try because it's the best privilege you can ever have... trying and living and not giving up. Not all people can continue because they're so afraid of pain and humiliation, don't be like those cowards, it's all about facing the pain and giving everything you've got no matter what. Life is a mystery, you never know when success will come, you never know when your break is going to come so just keep going and never give up, it's only just a matter of time before you win so just try winning because time is on your side and you have what it takes to become victorious. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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