May 7, 2023


They say you can't cut your weight if you don't have a fitness coach, they say you can't heal yourself without a doctor or some stupid medicines, they say you can't get out of depression without anti depression pills, they say you can't get fit without that equipment. I say don't let any marketing limit you, don't let the lack of resources make you a failure. Some people are just marketing their products and being opportunistic to get some money from you. They are attacking your weakness and neediness for their own good and you are allowing them to use you. The truth is... you don't need anything, you just need to exert an effort and you will be good, you just need to endure and give your very best and you will win in life, you can heal yourself, you can make your life better. Stop allowing marketing schemes to limit you because you don't need any of it, you just need to believe in yourself and go all in for yourself. 

You don't need nikes or jordans to play good basketball, you don't need an expensive equipment to stay in shape, you don't need a coach to tell you what to do. You can win without any expensive things, you just need to grind and test yourself, you just need to push yourself to the limits and you will be good. Most people think they need this or that to win, they think that they need something to keep going. The truth is it's just an excuse, if you're looking for something to get motivated or to believe in yourself then you are weak, you just need your body and willpower, you just need your willingness to go further, you just need to program your mind to have a burning desire to make your situation a little bit better. You don't need anything in life so stop looking for what is missing, stop staying on the state of lack and make yourself abundant. 

What you need is inside of yourself, what you need is discipline and mental toughness. What you need is acceptance and patience. Accept that you don't have money to buy their products and learn how to improvise. Use what you can use and keep moving forward, just find a way, don't look for what is missing in your life and just look for what you can do. Don't improve your looks, improve your character. Don't focus on things, focus on the execution. Are you willing to give your all to get what you want? some people have everything but they don't have the drive and attitude to win in life. Some people were spoiled and feeling entitled that's why they can't make a progress. You just need to use your willpower and you can achieve anything in life. Stop being a needy person, stop needing things, stop comparing yourself to others because they have everything and you don't have anything, it will only weaken your mentality. You need to focus on building a mindset to win in any kind of situation. Stop looking for support, stop looking for fancy things to make you feel good, you don't need any of it, you just need your spirt and will to win. 

Those products are created to make you weak. The sleeping pills, vitamins, books to get motivated, life coach to tell you what to do. Those products are just eating your time, they are manipulating your mind, it's just making you broke. If you will just start now and learn how to fight and enjoy your journey then you will become unstoppable. For once in your life, trust yourself and your ability to fight. Trust that anything is possible with your sheer willpower. 

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