May 24, 2023


Most people think that losing, struggling, being down, being broke, not having anything is a curse. It's not a bad situation, it's a good place so start. It's a good thing to prove yourself, it's the best situation where you can start to rise and redeem yourself. Don't worry about the situation, worry about giving your very best. There's a way, you just need to look for it and you will find it, as simple as that. Don't worry about the difficulties of life, you can overcome anything, you can weather any kind of storm. You just need to keep pushing and stop all the nonsense in your life. Stop gambling, stop being lazy, stop doing stupid and nonsense things that makes your life worse. It's all about the small decisions, it's all about making yourself better everyday, that's it. There's no other way but to go up, there is no other direction. Being down is a blessing because it will make you tougher, it will make you work harder, it will make you better if you decide to fight and reject weaknesses. 

It's simply about moving, not playing the victim role, not making dramas and not looking for a sympathy. Don't blame anybody for your failure or misery, you're the one who created it. And even if you didn't do it for yourself, you still don't have the right to act like a victim. Having a victim mindset will only make you weaker and weaker, people will dislike you if you keep acting like that. You need to show the world how tough you are. Show them what you've got, show them what you are made of. You have the power to believe, just believe in yourself, just give your very best even if you're struggling all the time. The strength will come back, the money will come back, the power will come back, all you have to do is stand up and stop acting like a chicken. You're better than that, why will you choose to become weak if you can become strong? stop looking for help, help yourself and learn to fight every single second. 

You can make a comeback anytime you want, it's just a matter of making a decision and forcing yourself to take actions even if it's really hard. Stop being too emotional, your emotions is what's stopping you. Never care about how you feel and focus on doing what is important in your life. Being down is a blessing, it humbles you, it makes you get angry, it makes you hungry, it gives you a sense of urgency. You have to take actions now, you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and go start doing something that will make your situation a little bit better. Have no time for dramas, stop whining like a baby and start pushing yourself to create a better opportunity. It's ok if you are down, there is nothing wrong with that, what makes it wrong is if you stay there forever. Don't be so down for a long time, stop feeling so low and weak for a long time, you have the power to change something today that will create a momentum for your comeback.

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