Aug 24, 2019


What picture are you looking at is likely what you will get. If you're looking at the image of poor people then you will become poor too, if you're looking at the image of a loser then you will become a loser too. Be selective of the pictures that you're looking at, be aware of what picture is running inside of your head, that picture will connect somehow in your life. Look at those negative thinkers, all they see is negativity and that is why they have a bad life, they feel like the world is against them, they can't see anything good anymore, their minds were infested with negative pictures and that's why they were doing negative things too, they don't have confidence, they don't trust the world, they were all about complains and excuses and that's why they can't get out from the rut they are in.


Your focus is your life, it's your reality. The good thing about life is you can change it in a snap of your fingers. Decide what to focus on and that will be your life, so if you're focused on problems instead of solutions then you will have more problems. But if you're focused on the abundance of life then you will become rich and successful, as simple as that. That's why there are lot of people who were buried in debts, they were focused on it. They keep on applying for loans every now and, they love credit cards, they love instant gratification. But if you're focused on earning more money instead of borrowing it then you will have more money, as simple as that.

Keep on expanding your consciousness, keep on focusing on the good things and good things will be attracted to you. Is buying a lot of stuffs a good thing? it is good if you really feel abundant and rich with it but if it makes you feel worried after buying stuffs because you don't know where to get money to pay electric bills then it's not a good thing.


If you want to have a good life, if you want to make your life easier then just do the basics. Never complicate your life by looking at things that are of no use to you. You know what is useful, you know what will work, you know what is bad for you. Make your life basic, just focus on what will help you and you will get a lot of assistance from the universe. Stop engaging on stupid activities and thoughts that are only making your life worse. You're already a grown up, you know what will give you a good future. So keep being positive and just work hard and that's it. If you need to study and finish your studies then simply finish it, no excuses, no complains. Because every time you are complaining that it's hard, you are only making the process harder, you are only strengthening the resistance, you're only making it hard for yourself. Stop complaining and do what is needed and you will finish it fast.


Look at the image that you really want, look at the pictures where you want to live your life and never change it. One focus at a time, once you defined the images that you want to live... take some actions to get there, it doesn't matter if the actions were cheap, small or not impact at all. If your intention for that action is to live that image you want then attraction will happen. Never under estimate what you can do, never under estimate your skills. Once you focus on the good things of life and you're really serious about getting it... manifestation will start to happen. It's very simple, just stop focusing on what you don't want. Every time there is a thought that come across your mind... immediately get rid of it, change your thoughts and go back to your original desired thought. It's ok if you're having a hard time focusing on what you want, it's normal, every one's mind is really hard to tame. The most important thing is you're aware about the images that you don't like, you must be aware that you're thinking the wrong thoughts so you can change it right away and focus on the better images that will give you a good life.

Practice focusing on the thoughts with lesser resistance, stay positive, hopeful and always expect good things to happen in your life. Stay calm, relax and collected... you don't need to rush here, just be patient and enjoy the process.


Protect your mind form negativity, be aware if you're thinking negatively or not. It's easy to think negative, sometimes it's really fun doing it but keep in mind that all it does is damage your life and health, it is not guiding you to the right path, it is destroying your dreams, it is creating fears and distraction, it is stopping you from having a good life. Beware of negativity, entertain the good vibes, entertain what is making you really feel good and giving you a good life. Your mind is your investment, it is the key to riches, good health and good life. If you can direct your thoughts properly and simply look at the images that you want to happen then your life will become much easier.

Your mind is your everything, what happens inside of your mind will happen outside of you. But don't worry if you're thinking negative for now, the attraction will never happen fast, it has a delayed effect. So if you're thinking negatively now... just change it fast, shift to a more positive thoughts so you will be right back on the right track.

That's why most people who were using the law of attraction never succeed. It's because they were too impatient, they can't wait for a very long time. I repeat the attraction has a delayed effect, it can happen in years, it all depends on how strong your focus is and how deeply you believe in the process. So starting to day, protect your mind, stop entertaining negative thoughts, if you can't stop it then be good in thinking about positive thoughts fast. Go back to the image that you really want, play it inside of your head.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety to live a BETTER LIFE click this link:

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