Aug 7, 2019


You are worrying because you are letting your mind think, every time you think negatively you are poisoning your mind, you are putting yourself on a bad position. Worries will all go away if you will just move forward and give nothing but your very best. So if you don't want to feel bad... just do something productive, do something positive, do something that has rewards in the future and never think about becoming successful so fast. Just be patient, all you need to do is stick with the process. Forget about what is happening now, forget about what will happen in the future. If you can just enjoy the now and simply give everything you've got then all of your problems will become solutions, you will be able to turn thing around. Just move forward and that's it, just give your very best and there is nothing else to worry about. Life is very easy if you will make yourself busy, if you will do something that will improve yourself then your mind will become more positive.

Create music, create arts, start a business, learn something new, make money, hustle, start. Just move, you are suppose to be moving, you are suppose to be working. You're going crazy because you're looking for an instant happiness, you're looking for fast results and good feelings. But the truth in life is... if you're too comfortable then you will feel uncomfortable, it doesn't feel right if you're not moving. Do you think that people who just watch movie all day long and lying on their couch were happy? NO, they were miserable, they're doing that because they're numbing the pain, they want to forget all of their problems by being lazy and making dramas. Doing that will make your problems even worse. You need to feel the pain, face the pain, face your problems and push through no matter what. Moving forward is the only solution, just simply doing something positive will keep your sanity on the right place.

Just move forward, never hold yourself back, never care if you're not perfect by starting something. Just do it, start it and finish it. You will feel much much better every time you do something instead of procrastinating.

Having fun is not fun at all. Playing video games, gambling, partying, drinking, instant gratification... these things will make your life worse tomorrow, it's just a temporary fun but it's inviting long term pain. You better think now, you better do something with your life, don't waste it for nothing. Always remember that worries will all go away if you're moving forward and giving your very best.

So just give your very best, enjoy the process and forget about what will happen next. Never regret that you work hard and didn't get anything, of course you will still get something if you work hard... and that is your mental toughness go to a different level.

 If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety to live a BETTER LIFE click this link:

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