Aug 27, 2019


You can do more if you will live in the moment. You will become more productive if you will forget the future and just do the first step. Follow through once you start and never stop until it's done. Because if you will just do it and forget the results then you will have more momentum, you will have a clue and you will be able to figure out what to do next little by little. You don't think, you don't worry, you don't care if your actions are perfect... you just do it, you just execute, you don't care about your feelings, you don't care about how you look, you don't care about what the future holds... you just do it and you don't stop until it's done... this is how to start something great.

Because most people wait for the right time or right feelings, they want to get motivated and inspired first before they do something. And that is why they can't start something, that's why they can't become successful. If you will just start something and do as much as you can then you will become more productive, you will become more successful, you will be able to finish a lot of things in a very short time. It's ok to multi task but make sure you will finish all the task that you've started. Don't look at the time, don't look at the efforts you needed to finish it all, just be one with the process and keep taking steps all the time... that's how to avoid stress, that's how to make a progress every now and then. Just do it, do it and do it and do it until it is done. It's very simple and easy, you don't even need to think about it anymore.

This is the biggest discovery about success... it's simply about taking actions, it's simply about speed, it's simply about making yourself uncomfortable and you will already get results. It's not even complicated at all, yet why are there people who can't even start? it's because they always want comfort, they always want to become successful fast. They think that it's a destination and not a journey. It's a common sense that you will not get to where you want if you will not take massive actions, it's too simple. Don't ever wish for something big if you're not willing to give a lot of time and effort to get it. You have to start now, start when you're not comfortable. Feeling lazy is a good time to start, trust me... good things happen when you force yourself to take actions. Just take one small step at a time and try to build a strong momentum, once you start something... always follow through. Don't worry about the next action, don't worry if you don't know what to do next, you will always find a way if you have that willpower, the right steps will be revealed by itself naturally, all you have to do for now is enjoy the moment and enjoy the process.

Always take it one step at a time, don't rush, there's no need to rush here. Because at the end of the day... there is no such thing as completion. There will always be a next step or next goal even if you manage to become successful today. Just enjoy your life and do something when you need to, avoid procrastinating... that's how to defeat stress. Most people were stressed because they want to start something but they couldn't even get started, it's because they want to finish it fast. But if you will give yourself a chance to become patient and avoid checking results every now and then... you will become a fast starter and a strong finisher.

 If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety to live a BETTER LIFE click this link:

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