Jul 19, 2019


What is so uncomfortable during uncomfortable situation? it's only uncomfortable because you're too soft, keep in mind... if you're not going to die about it then don't cry or make dramas about it. Uncomfortable moments are the moment that you must be looking for because it will make you grow, it will make discover your powerful side, it will turn you into a different animal and you will no longer be afraid of any adversity that will come along the way. There is no growth in easy situation, there is no progress in activities that will not challenge you so be happy if you're feeling uncomfortable because it will make you stronger than ever.

Feeling uncomfortable is only inside of your head, you feel it because you don't want to embrace the moment, you just want to a comfortable place that requires no hard work and resistance, you want the easy path that's why you always feel uncomfortable. If you will just embrace discomfort then your life will be easier, it's very easy to do... just feel it and your mind and body will adjust, you will discover that it's not that hard and what makes it harder is your perspective towards it. Adjust your perspective, think that it is easy and it will be easy, all you have to do is deal with it and never try to escape from it. Just relax while feeling it, don't panic, don't think that you're stressed, don't think that there is a lot of time being wasted. Remember that there is no time being wasted if you truly love what is going on, so just fall in love with the process and make small progress every now and then.

So avoid having self pity, avoid complaining, appreciate what is going on with your life and you will feel much comfortable. Just feel it, don't try to whine or make dramas about it, feel the discomfort and soon it will over. Nothing is hard, nothing is difficult, it is only painful because you can't accept the truth, you can't embrace the moment and see or feel what is in front of you. It is not really uncomfortable, you just don't like it that's why you feel so disgusted about it. But if you will learn how to love and appreciate it then you will feel light about it, you will feel happier and more secured.

Always remember that it's only in your mind, it will become easier if you will not make it a big deal. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, don't ever feel that you are entitled and everything will be much much easier.

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