Feb 6, 2024


If you know what your future will be like... look at what you are doing. If you are working hard to become a millionaire then you will become a millionaire. If you are about laziness, negativity and problems then you will become broke, as simple as that. You become what you do, you will attract what you are focusing on so be careful of what you're doing and thinking because it will connect you to its equivalent energy. If you're about hating then you will get hate, if you're about winning then you will attract victories. 


The amount of energy you spend will double if you're struggling while being mad, scared, anxious, worried or troubled. You will have more energy if you will start to accept the pain and embrace it while struggling. Yes, it is hard, it is sometimes pushing you to give up but if you can just be in the moment and accept that you're uncomfortable then you will feel lighter and stronger. You will have more energy and you will be able to endure everything if you will just relax and take it easy. Most of the time you don't want to be one with your struggle, it's because you don't know that you're struggling. If you will just be aware that you're struggling and that it's just a struggle then you will be relieved, if you will just make peace with it then you will find that unbelievable energy to hang on and finish the race. It's just a struggle and nothing else, you're just losing, you're just lost and you can't make a breakthrough, that's it. It's nota  life threatening situation. You have to trick yourself that it is easy, make your mind believe that it's not difficult at all. Just embrace it, even if it is hard and really uncomfortable... don't rush. Rushing to get out, rushing to feel comfortable is what makes is even harder, you are not helping yourself every time you look for an easy way out. Have peace with your struggle and never give up, think that you're going to feel like that forever and that you need to adapt now. Never think about the future, never look for excuses, just deal with it until it's over. 


Be proud of yourself that you're not giving up. That's already an accomplishment. Most people don't understand that it's a journey. Because most people couldn't even fight for so long. They don't know what it takes to become a winner. Life is easy if you will just think that it's easy, accept everything that is hard and make peace with it, accept that it's the right path for you and never complain. All you need to do is survive and that's it, surviving is winning, if you can just hold on, if you can just live with the moment then you will never lose. 

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