Jan 20, 2024


You should get sick and tired of other people using your energy. You should be aware that being concerned of their failure is not making you improve, it's only making you worse and that's the reality. Stop being happy if someone made a mistake, stop celebrating is someone fails because it will never make you better. It's only destroying your focus. You focus on other people that's why you can't evolve. You have to focus on yourself and never mind what other people are doing, as simple as that. You can become something else if you will just use your time wisely. This is very basic, focus on your path and grow as much as you can. Reward yourself by using all of your time for yourself only and not minding what other people are doing. Let them do their thing while you do your own thing. Stay in the moment, watch yourself if you are being critical to others, watch yourself if you constantly downplay them. That attitude won't ever help you. It will only make you worse. You need to use all of your energy for yourself only and not for other people. Don't ever give them some time. 

Be a mover no a watcher. The more you watch the more you are likely to become a critic. It means you're not doing anything for yourself. What you don't know is you get worse every time you criticize somebody. It's a fight everyday, you need to fight your old and weak self. You get weaker and weaker every time you focus on other people because you have no complete control over them, the only thing you can control is your actions and thoughts. It doesn't matter if they're winning or not, even your enemy... you should not be happy when your enemy lost because it will never make you a better person at all. The only thing that will improve your quality of life is to focus on your actions. Study what you do, look at your habits and get rid of the bad ones. It's time to replace the bad habits with the old ones. If you want to get better then never do useless actions. Never get interested with other people's works, never let entertainment control you. Never let negativity poison your mind. This is a slow process but it's worth trying. You will see a different version of you if you're not giving your time and energy for free, never use your time for other people that doesn't even care you at all. 

At the end of the day you will never get anything from the defeat of others, you will never learn, you will never better, it only means you're insecure because you can't try, you can't pursue something that's why you become satisfied watching other people fall. Just do what you need to do in other to get better, focus on yourself, be happy with your own journey and never compare yourself to others. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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