Jan 27, 2024


Don't complain, don't look for results, don't look for what is missing, don't search for your mistakes and stop judging yourself. Go for the next step right away, stop being soft, stop being overly dramatic and just do it. You are not a failure, you're just lazy. If you will just make yourself a doer then you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. Stop watching, stop daydreaming and start creating your own path. Whenever you feel down, whenever you feel bad... ignore that feelings and go to the next step right away. Stop being stop, stop being slow and lazy, stop being a coward, you're not a chicken, you need to face the casualty and do what is needed. At the end of the day it's simply about working hard. 


If you wanted to win then you need to make yourself a beast. Be faster, bolder and make yourself a doer. There's no room for resting, there's no room for being scared, you just take actions even if there is no guaranteed that you're going to win. Go to the next step right away, even if you're late, even if you failed a lot already, even if you made a lot of mistakes... still go to the next step and never give up. That's how you become a best. You keep trying even if you're already wounded, you keep pushing even if you don't know what to do anymore. At the end of the day you will never become successful if you don't work hard and make sacrifices. Without pain, defeats, failure and rejection you are nothing. You will only become a beast if you keep on fighting, if you keep on overpowering your doubts with actions and risks. Don't be afraid to fail, that's the number one ingredient to succeed. Because you already failed every time you didn't try, you already failed every time you allow yourself to become scared of failing. Life and success is all about trying, showing up and taking risks, it's all about taking massive actions. You can make yourself a beast, it all depends on what you do, it's your willpower that will become the deciding factor here. Just push yourself to the limits and never give up, as simple as that. You will become something if you fake your confidence and just show up every single day. It's ok if you don't have a pure confidence, nobody will notice it, just remember your philosophy and that is to keep trying and never give up. Good things will happen if you try and never take this day for granted. Do what you can do and just let go. 


It's not about getting the money, house, hoes or fame. It's about the person you become, you get better and better every time you push, you get stronger every time you fail. Failures will make you a beast so don't be afraid of it. Embrace failure and never give up. You will never improve if life is always comfortable, you will never evolve if you're always winning. Look at those children who were spoiled and have everything handed to them... a little problem is making them panic. They don't know what to do, they're crumbling like a chicken. Ask yourself, are you pushing? are you doing whatever it takes to succeed? are you going all in? are you doing the impossible? if yes then you are on the right path my friend. If you are fast, decisive, bold and aggressive to taking actions then there is nothing else to worry about. The reality is you are worrying because you are not giving your best, instead you are overthinking. Stop spending too much energy on worry because it will never solve anything at all. Focus on giving your best, keep going further because that's the best approach to life. Pursue a goal and be persistent. A man who loves the process will go father than the man who loves the results. Go to the next step right away and then follow through. 


Actually it can't if you will just follow your philosophy, even fear can't stop you if you will just move and be not afraid of losing. What stops you is your fear of failure. If you're not afraid to fail then you will become unstoppable. If you're no longer afraid of failing then you will become a different beast, you will become a monster, you will take risks and you will allow yourself to become vulnerable to failure because you just knew you can try again make a comeback and do it better next time. Fear can never stop you if you will just move, it will only stop you if you allow it to immobilize your body, just feel it, accept that you are scared and do it anyway. Just go, step on the gas even if the light is red, never hold yourself back, be the decider of your destiny, never let other people decide what's best for you. Never fear what they tell you, you should fear what you are telling to yourself, if you're not allowing their words enter your head and you manage to have positive self talk everyday then you will become a force, nothing can ever limit you. That's the trick here, play the game of beliefs, believe in yourself and work as hard as you can. Don't be afraid to fail because it's just another day in your life, you can try again tomorrow, don't be afraid to repeat again, you will make a breakthrough if you're going all in. It's not about getting it, it's all about doing it. No matter how difficult the challenge in front of you... just don't give up and you will be able to overcome it. Just do it, just start and never stop. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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