Jan 24, 2024


It will only change if you eliminate your stupid habits and vices. You don't need to become rich, you don't need money, you don't need to learn a new skill, you don't need to become the best, you don't need to become great. Change will only happen if you can watch yourself all the time and stop yourself from doing something stupid. Because the truth is your life sucks because you're wasting a lot of time. You're doing a lot of stupid activities that doesn't help you at all. You're too busy thinking about negativity, you're too busy hating, envying and wasting your energy for nonsense people and happenings. Forget the past, what is done is done, forgive who hurt you, ignore the people that doesn't motivate you. Be mindful of what you do, be mindful of what you think and your life will get better, as simple as that. You don't need to learn every book about motivation, you don't need to study business, just stick with the basics. Stop wasting time, eliminate all of your vices, control your thoughts and emotions and life will change dramatically and rapidly. Most people can't change because they're too focused with the results. Change is not about the result, it's a process. It's an everyday living, it's a way of life. If you want to have a new life then be patient, take it one step at a time and just deal with the boredom that it brings. You will get boring if you're trying to eliminate your vices, you will get stressed even if you're not doing anything. It's because your body is experiencing a new pattern, it's feeling the unfamiliar, you will really feel uncomfortable so get ready. 

If you really wanted to change then focus on yourself, never focus on other people, never talk about them. Focus on yourself and see what you've been doing to make your life better. At the end of the day you're doing this for you, you're doing this because you want to experience a new life. It's self love, you are not doing it for anybody, you are doing it because you want an improved life, something that is far different than your past. Focus on yourself, stop comparing yourself to anybody, start loving yourself, take care of yourself and never do something that will harm you physically and mentally. Don't take anything personally, let people do what they want to do. Focus on what you're doing and enjoy the process. This is a slow, long and forever process, it is a commitment. Create a new self image and live by it. Test it and see how far can you go. You've been living like a bum for a very long time, it's time to live differently today. Life will only change if you're serious about it. Say no to everything that is not serving you, eliminate all the thoughts and habits that is making you weak and sick. If you wanted to get stronger then be mentally and physically disciplined, as simple as that. You will see the fruits of your sacrifices in just a matter of time. Start now and make the change, take baby steps and create the your 2.0 version. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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