Aug 27, 2023


At any given day, at any given time... you have the ability to move forward, that's your super power is. You can choose to get better today, watch yourself, watch your actions and thoughts and always choose what will make you better and stronger. Stop wasting time, stop wasting your life because there will be no replays. You have to push yourself to the limits and see what is possible if you give your all. If you want to evolve you have to move faster, as simple as that. Most of the time you're too slow and weak, you're playing the sick game, you're full of crap and excuses. You need to step up and do what is best for your life, it doesn't matter if you get a lot of results or not, what matters is you go all the way and you never back down to any challenge. It is what it is, it's going to get harder and harder but you have no choice but to keep on fighting or else you will have a miserable life. Always remember that your super power is your ability to move at any given time, nobody can stop you, nothing can derail your momentum. Once you move and decide that you're going to go further as much as you can... you will make it. So stop complicating your life and just focus on taking actions, what matters is you go all in and never doubt yourself. Never care if it's hard or easy... just do it. You have the power to endure, ignore the level of difficult and just take actions no matter what. So don't waste time thinking what you should do and just do it, just start, pull the trigger and keep going further, nothing can stop you if you choose to become unstoppable. The world is yours, you can do it if you really want it. Eliminate all of you doubts and excuses and just do whatever it takes to win, as simple as that. 

Never underestimate the power of small actions, it maybe small but it can create a compound effect in the future when done consistently. Just pull the trigger now and then follow through as much as you can. You never know where are you going to end up if you try with all your might. Never give time to some stupid things that doesn't even matter. You need to stay disciplined and committed all the time. If you can develop the power to just do it anyway without thinking then sky is the limit for you, you will become unstoppable, you will reach a level that is vey hard to reach. Practice no thinking and just do it, stay neutral, stay present and never worry about what's going to happen next. What will happen will happen, you have to force yourself to show up and take actions no matter what. Focus on what you can control and that is your effort and thoughts. Everything will become easy if you will just move and forget the future, stay present and simply give your very best, it's only just a matter of time before you make a breakthrough, just stick with the process and never give up. It's very simple... keep moving forward all the time even if it sucks and doesn't feel right. Because you will never feel right, there will always be uncertainty, there will always be a resistance, life will never get easier, it gets harder everyday but you can train yourself to become tough. Never mind what's going to happen next, stay present and give everything you've got. 

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