Aug 23, 2023

respect the word "hardwork"

You're not making any results because you're not respecting the word hard work, you're simply allowing your laziness to take over, you're allowing your passiveness to become your guide to failure. If you knew you can work hard then nothing can stop you, as simple as that. Your pace should become one of a kind, your discipline should become unparalleled. That is if you wanted to win. If you want to know how far can you go then you better respect the word hard work and follow it, make it your philosophy, make it as your mindset. There is nothing else to worry about if you're working hard and giving your all, people will respect you if you're foot is always on the gas and not on the brakes. Push yourself to the limits and never give up, as simple as that. You don't need to become fancy, great or something special. You just need to work as hard as you can and focus on getting your vision, your vision will magnetize you towards itself. So stop overthinking and just pull the trigger, life is too simple if you don't have a lot of shits going on with your life, the problem with you is you're full of shit, your mind is crowded with garbage thoughts. 

life is a cause and effect thing. If you can't win it only means you don't work hard and you don't believe in yourself, Because if you really believe in yourself then you will work as hard as you can, as simple as that. Just believe that all of your sacrifices will pay off one day, just believe that you will become successful. You don't need to feel great all the time, you just need to move forward. Be like a soldier that was manipulated by his general or president to go to the war all the time, burn the bridges and keep fighting. Pull the trigger and never stop until you're done. Just work, enjoy work because it's much better than being lazy and doing nothing, working hard is 1 million times better than wasting your time. If you don't want to have a miserable life then work as hard as you can and never give up. Challenges will arise, problems will come but don't ever ever give up. All you have to do is take it one step at a time and that's it, there's nothing difficult about that. Your mind will become strengthen once you get use to working hard, your body will get faster and stronger, you have everything to gain if you work hard. Look at those construction workers who were working hard... they have a very strong body, they were built like metals. Unlike a bum who keeps on eating pizzas and drinking beers on his couch, he is getting weaker each and everyday, he is getting slower and dumber. 

Hard work will save your sorry ass life. It will give you a very good guidance. You're in the process of getting better and better every time you work hard and push yourself to the limits. Just do it, start now and finish strong. be a doer not a procrastinator, just do it and finish it, as simple as that. Life will get simpler and easier of you work hard and focus on what you need to do. 

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