Aug 2, 2023


There's no shame in waiting, there's no shame in trying to be patient for a very long time, it's not bad, actually it's really good and the right thing to do. What is wrong is you are waiting but not doing anything, make sure you are working hard as you can while waiting for your turn. Because it's only just a matter of time before you make a breakthrough, your time will come and you need to be ready for it, the opportunity will knock on your door and if it's not knocking then you better create your own opportunity, create your own path and never let anything stop you. You can become unstoppable if you want to, just be relentless and enjoy every step of the way. Don't wait for help, the hero will never come, be the hero and take matters into your own hands. Never mind what people say, never mind what the future hold and just follow your heart. If you really want it then you will do everything to make it, you will do whatever it takes just to become very close from it. It doesn't matter if it will take a million steps and sleepless night, it doesn't matter if it takes everything in your life... just go all in for it and never feel sorry if you fail. 

Force the issue, force the situation, never hold back, never apologize for what you're doing and always take it one step at a time. Take baby steps. Face the pain, it's not about how great you are, it's about how much are you willing to endure and still take actions despite of feeling so badly bruised and wounded. It's all about the next step, what are you willing to do? do you still believe in what you do? and even if you don't believe in yourself anymore, are you still willing to continue and not give up? because things will really get hard and you need to accept it, what if it is really hard? are you just going to give up? are you just going to what life throws at you destroy you? Little by little force yourself to take actions, take risks and never give up. It doesn't matter if you fail, the only thing that matters is you try and you don't take any second for granted wasting time thinking about what might happen. Face the uncertainty, embrace the unknown and welcome any kind of experience in life. Face life moving forward and not moving backwards or not doing anything at all. Keep charging, keep pressing, face the pressure and accept that moving all the time was already your destiny. 

Wait while forcing the issue, your time will come but you have to prove yourself first that you are worth it. You can't be wanting something but not working really hard for it, nothing is free in this world, sometimes you have to get underpaid, sometimes you really have to exhaust yourself before you make a result. It is what it is, you have to keep grinding until you finally make waves, you can never move a needle unless you do something special. So make sacrifices now and never regret that you're not having fun, there is a price for anything that you desire. The bigger the dream is the bigger the sacrifice should be. 

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