Aug 5, 2023


If you are moving then you are getting better. Stuck is just a perspective, you feel stuck because you're too needy of the results. You feel stuck because you're expecting too much but working too slow. You need to become faster and better, be aggressive and never hold yourself back, as simple as that. Force yourself to take the next step and follow through as much as you can, go further and never look back. You only need yourself and your belief. You only need your work ethic and perseverance, you don't need anything before you start. Just pull the trigger and never mind what's going to happen next. It's going to become a long journey but it's ok, just keep moving forward, for as long as you are moving... you will be fine, good things will happen to you, success will happen in just a matter of time. Become a machine, feel unstoppable, be relentless as you can be and go all in, take the risk and never care if you fail or succeed. You can finish a lot of things if you are aggressive and fast, the reason why you feel stuck is because you're thinking too much and that breeds fears and doubts. If you want to become fearless then you need to be moving forward all the time, feel like a shark... you need to  move or else you will die. You need to take matters into your own hands and never look for help. Help is for the weak, it will come naturally if you need it, if you can do it by yourself then do it by yourself, have some pride, you are stronger than you think, you just need to push yourself and become the best that you can be. 

The next step is always available, you always knew what to do, you're just not doing it because you're making yourself struggle. stay focused and put your energy on the grind, hustle like there's no tomorrow, be intentional with your actions and always believe that everything you do is making you closer and closer to success. Don't stop and that's it, keep believing and that's it. You don't need to be like others, you don't need to do well like them, you just need to stay on your line and mind your own business. Good days will come, you just need to persevere and never accept your situation. Be greater than your situation. You can always do better, you can always choose to be better, you just need to make a stand. Change your identity now, change your mindset now, it's either you go all in or not, it's either you push yourself to the limits or not. Stop living like a punk and start to do better things. Don't hold back, don't take it easy, you need to go hard and destroy all the obstacles along the way. Never waste this day again, squeeze it as much as you can, work as hard as you can and never feel sorry if you're getting zero results. It's not the winning that matters, it's about not giving up. So go all the way and never overthink again, always remind yourself that taking actions is the most important thing and nothing else. Always remind yourself that fighting for what you want, fighting for your place is the only thing that matters. 

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