Nov 3, 2021


If you want to become happier than before, if you want to feel free without worry, if you want to stay in control... focus on your own shit. Focus on what you can control and avoid using your energy for things and people that are outside of your control. The easiest thing to control is your mind and actions, once you were able to think the right way then everything else will be a lot easier to to you. Never focus on the outside influences, focus on trying to make yourself better each day and you will be 10x happier than yesterday. Focus on growth, evolving, be passionate with your own life and try to squeeze everything you can squeeze out of your life. It's not about being narcissistic or something, it's about rewarding yourself with the right thing. Believing and focusing on yourself is the best gift that you can give to yourself. 

Don't get jealous of what other people are getting, never think about what they have and just focus on your own Shi*, you have something right? why not make it grow? why not make it big, the problem with you is you don't believe in your skills, you don't believe in what you can do that's why you're more interested with other people's lives rather than focusing on your own life. Be selfish with your time, don't give away your time for free. So what if they are celebrity, so what if they are rich or something, your time is very valuable so never waste it for nothing, never do something that will not give you something in return. Your time is the most valuable asset that you can have so never waste it for other people's dreams, don't give it away for free, treat it as something that is so priceless, treat it like a diamond. 

Make yourself richer, healthier, wiser and more skilled. Groom yourself, get super interested with yourself. If you can focus on your own life for 100 straight days and not minding other people's business then you will attract better opportunities. Your money will doubled, your health will become better, you will become happier, you will feel something you haven't felt before. It will only happen if you bet on yourself, be on your side, you're the only one who can make your life happier and better. It's on your hands if you will make your life something special, anything is possible, you can do it. But it will only happen if you will mind your own business and forget what the world is doing. What they are doing and thinking is none of your business, the only business you have is improving your life. 

Everything that you do will either make you better or worse. That's why it is critical to guard all of your thoughts and actions. Are you thinking the right way? are your thoughts motivating you to take actions? or is it making you bitter? being a negative thinker will never get things done, it will never take you further. Focus on what really matters and stop wasting energy for subjects that will not even give you anything. 

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