Nov 13, 2021


Attachment is a very dangerous thing, getting attached too much with something or someone will make you crazy especially if you can't have it, what if you can't have what you want? what if it's really not for you? there is something else for you so don't worry too much. Because it's not about the results really, it's about moving forward and doing whatever it takes to succeed. You will have more peace of mind if you will focus on the process and not on the results. It's ok to want something so bad but you have to create a space of understanding that it's possible that it can't be yours, you must enjoy the process of getting it, give yourself a chance to succeed but never feel sorry for yourself if you can't have it. Don't whine about it, don't blame anything, don't think that you're getting punished, never feel that you've wasted a lot of time chasing it. Realize that it's not the only thing that can make you happy, there are many things to be thankful of. Stop crying if you can't have it, let it go and better things and opportunities will come to you.

Expectation creates depression, if you are expecting too much the you will get hurt so badly. It's ok to believe but never expect that people will treat you right, never expect that it's going to be easy, never expect that you can have it right away, be patient, don't expect to win right away but still keep moving forward all the time. Because always moving will keep your sanity in check, doing something for yourself will make you feel much better. Taking matters into your own hands and focusing on what you can control will make you feel much much better.  

Because you've been wasting a lot of your time expecting, waiting and checking for what is not coming. Why not use that time you're wasting for working? why not just work hard and just let things happen by itself? if it comes it comes, if it's yours it's yours, don't ever waste your time again checking for results because it will drain a lot of your energy. You must use a different approach now, use your time for working and not for wishing. It should be a commitment, you should discipline yourself to stop expecting too much because it only eats a lot of your time that could have been use to make your situation a little bit better. Always remember that every action you take is making your situation a little bit better and every time you waste time your situation gets worse. It's just a matter of how are you going to use your time. If you can use your time very well and make yourself productive then you will succeed, as simple as that. 


Stop saying that your time is not enough that's why you don't have time for chasing your real dream. You know that it's not true, if you really want it then you will make a time for it. It's not that you don't have time, it's that you're not prioritizing your dreams, you love to do some other things that are easy and comfortable. You will have a lot of time for it if you will prioritize it so quit making excuses that your time is not enough, you know that it's not true. Stop fooling yourself, push yourself to take actions whenever you feel tired, push yourself to do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true, you will learn that you have a lot of time. Discipline is the key, the more you discipline yourself the more you will have time for real important things. Because the truth is you're making your life miserable and hard by acting like a child, you have no direction, you're not serious, you're not on a sense of urgency. Never think that you don't have time because the truth is you all have the time in the world to pursue your dream, you just don't want to suffer and struggle that's why you're making up excuses to avoid feeling guilty for not taking actions. 


Don't expect too much that that you're going to win but still keep trying and give your best. Expecting too much will kill the process, it will create pressure and frustration. Detach from the outcome and focus on the process, this will make you feel better, this will make things easier for you. Because things only gets difficult because of expectations. Things gets difficult because you're too attached, you're not loose, you're not relaxed that's why it's hard for you to take actions. Expecting too much will make you slow, stiff and cautious. The result is poor result, if you want to have lesser pressure on your shoulders so you can become faster and move lighter... don't expect. Just give your very best and never think about winning or losing, just enjoy the journey, think that what's happening now is already the reward. 


Success will come on the right time. But you have to work hard for now so that manifestation will become faster. Because you are only delaying success every time you procrastinate and make excuses why you should not take actions. Just because you can't see any progress doesn't mean you have to quit taking actions. You still need to push forward and make things happen even if there's no hope that is showing up to make you motivated. Just believe, have faith that you will become successful one day. That da will come and when it comes... you will be the happiest person in the world. 


What are you willing to give up? what are you willing to sacrifice? are you willing to go to the extreme just to get what you want? can you become really patient and work hard and move forward even if you're not seeing any potential to what you're doing? can you move forward everyday and forget the negative emotions that you are feeling? can you do the impossible, the unthinkable, cam you do the things that most people are so afraid to do? 

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