Nov 22, 2021


Failing is something you shouldn't be afraid of because it's the path to success, if you keep on failing then you will keep on improving and if you keep on improving then better opportunities will be attracted to you. The harder you work the luckier you will get so keep failing all the time and make it as your norm, make it as your culture, keep failing and keep trying because the more you fail the more you get closer to success. Failing will make you smarter, it will raise your emotional IQ, it will make you mentally tougher, you will no longer be afraid of failing after failing a lot so the result is it will be easier to get success. Success becomes hard to get because of the fear of failure, people doesn't want to go to the extreme, people were so afraid of taking risks, they don't want to persevere or invest a lot of time into something because of being afraid that all of their efforts might be wasted for nothing. 

The truth is failing doesn't hurt at all, what hurts more is not trying and taking your life for granted. It's the one that really hurts because it will leave a puzzle unsolved, you will keep asking yourself what if you try and really give your best. You will imagine what's your position now if you didn't stop working on your dream. So you better use your time the right way, you better use your time to make your life better and not use it randomly for different activities that doesn't help you to improve. Keep trying and keep failing, make it as your lifestyle. Because success will fall into your hands in just a matter of time, it's just a numbers game, the more you try the more chances of winning. Because you really have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain, just keep trying and good things will come. Always remember that victory belongs to the most persevering. 

Just promise to yourself to do whatever it takes to win. Success can never run away from you forever, time will come and you will be able to check mate it, it can never hide from you forever. So believe that all you need to do is move forward and you will become successful. Be patient because the fastest way to become successful is to be slow. Don't rush the results, take massive actions but don't be needy of the results. 

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