Jun 18, 2020


No more stupid intros like any other marketing fake gurus out there, I will reveal it to you right away... MASTER STARTING FAST, that's it. No more ceremonies, no more over thinking, no more stupid meditation or something... just start fast. Stop praying if you can do it, stop thinking if you can finish it, just start, start something throw yourself out there and once you start... never stop, stop stopping, stop resting. One task at a time, focus on finishing, go for the kill. Be like a sniper, be like an assassin who finishes any task given to him. Don't think and just do it, this technique works all the time. This style cures poverty, depression, mental slavery and excessive dramatic disorder. Just start and that's it, feel the pain, embrace the pressure, embrace boredom, welcome every emotion that was running in your body because of moving. 

Because it's really obvious that you need to move if you want to become productive and successful, why think too much? it's a waste of time and energy, it will bring more anxiousness into your life. Just start it, just do it and forget what may happen next. Be in the moment, feel your power, if you're not thinking about the future then you will become calmer and more creative. Just live in the now and always give your very best every single second, that's it, that's how to become super productive with your life. 

Start fast but stop fast too. What do I mean by this? be fast in stopping procrastination, be fast in stopping bad habits. Be aware of what you're doing, be aware if it will give you a good life in the future. You know better and you can also do better, you know what puts you down, you know what gives you a miserable life. Be fast in stopping useless activities that will not even help. Stop clowning around, stop acting like a trash, get serious with your life and always make it a point to do what is needed. Because most of the time you're doing stupid things that doesn't even matter at all, why are you doing it? because it's already your habit, I know it's very hard to stop a bad habit that's running your life for years but it's possible to make a change, all it takes is using your willpower. Never stop trying to control your thought and emotions, prioritize what you need to do and never fall into the trap of instant gratification, always practice the delayed gratification. Look at yourself, you're partying for what? did you become successful? you're drinking for what? did you get promoted? if you haven't did anything good in your life yet then what is the reason to celebrate? If you really want to become productive then you better stop doing the useless activities now, stop fast, stop it now. Stop smoking a cigar now, stop wasting time now, stop playing too much now, stop destroying your life now!!! It needs to happen now, not tomorrow nor next week, is should be NOW!

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