Jun 1, 2020


Focus on what you want, stop focusing on what you don't want and that's it. You will achieve a lot of things if you're focused, you can become extra ordinary if you're focused. It's hard but it's too simple. Just think about what you want and do everything to get it. Do whatever it takes, go the extra mile. Eat fire if you need to, catch the electricity if you need to, you have to do the impossible to make your dream possible... as simple as that. Kill the entertainment and get bored with your dream, embrace boredom, embrace focus. Because this is the only way to have zero regrets in life... focus on what you want to get and forget everything else. 

Forget about failing, forget your stupid neighbor, forget what distract you, forget your problems... just focus on what you want and never erase it on your mind. You have to do what you have to do. Allow yourself to take massive actions and never complain if the path was so hard. Of course it is hard, every great thing was not built in one day, sometimes you have to count years in order to achieve something great. Never let a stupid entertainment distract you, never let a stupid thought make you feel bad. You have to want it from the bottom of your heart, you have to be really hungry for it. 

Watch yourself, watch yourself if you're not focusing. You have to stay disciplined, you have to let your dream consume you. Feel that it's already yours, feel that it's already coming into your life. Because it will in just a matter of time. So keep focusing on your dream, do everything for it and never let it go, keep it with your heart, think about it before you sleep, think about it after you wake up. Always remember that time is gold, every second counts, every action is the right action. So keep moving forward all the time and be n an auto pilot mode... you just do what you need to do regardless of how you feel. Even of you're sick, work. Even if it is holiday, work. That is what it's all about... doing something that not all people can do. There is no time for resting, you can rest in the end. But for now... stay focused and committed, this is your time, you have to devour it and never squander it. 

If you're focused on what you want... you will forget what you don't want. You will forget your problems, you will forget what is no longer serving you. You stay locked in, you stay faithful to your dream, you are not entertaining any idea or thoughts or activities that are only making you slow. Just believe in yourself, you will win in just a matter of time. But for now you have to sacrifice, you have to work like hell, have a shark mindset... if you stop you will die. So keep moving forward, do something for your dream, stop making excuses and never entertain your laziness. 

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