Jun 13, 2020


If you already embraced hard work, if you're not complaining anymore because you realized that it was useless then there will be no challenge anymore. That's what will happen if you will love to do the hardest things in life... You will never be scared of any difficult situation anymore. Everything will feel so easy, you will not be afraid of any kind of work. You will just start it, do it and finish it. It feels so easy and comfortable, it's because you're comfortable being uncomfortable. Taking actions is easy as counting from 1 to 1.5, you don't have to sweat for it anymore.

It's all in the mind. If you will always think that you deserve to get more by working less then life will become very hard. If you always complain and look for an easy life then life will never reward you, it will punish you even more. So check yourself, be aware, if you're always looking for comfort and complaining about your life then you will be stuck in a mud forever. Life will become easier if you will make it simple. Just work hard, always finish what you started and never look for shortcuts. DON'T be afraid of any adversity because it will be over anytime soon. All you have to do is hang on and give your very best.  Never rush anything, just embrace every second of your life.

Any challenge is nothing, you can overcome any test in life. You are here to conquer different challenges of life and become a winner in the end. So stop acting like the world is unfair, stop thinking thar it's hard. If you will embrace everything then nothing will be difficult anymore. Everything feels so easy because you knew it's normal. You know that every problem is just part of your life. Be happy if you're experiencing a lot of difficulty because it means you're growing and getting better. Don't shy away from any problems or conflicts. Embrace any challenge, keep going no matter what and always give your 100 percent. Nothing can make you quit if you decided that you're going to fight until the end.

What make the situation or task hard is your mind, you always think that it's hard. You're so soft, you're so dramatic and emotional. There's no time for being soft nowadays, you will go down if you're complaining a lot. Don't complain and just do it, have that killer mindset, have that killer instinct to just do it no matter what, regardless of how you feel... move, stop treating yourself like a baby, stop pampering yourself and do what is necessary now. Show them that you really want it, show them that you are for real and you're not here just to act like an ordinary clown with no purpose, show the, what you are all about. 

What it it to be afraid of? there is nothing to be afraid of, don't be afraid of moving, don't be afraid of taking actions, all you have to do is execute the step and the next one and the next one, what is so difficult about that? It's becoming so difficult because you want to finish right away, it's becoming harder and harder because you always want to feel comfortable. Stop looking for comfort and just throw yourself out there. Do whatever it takes to win and try to see what you can accomplish, don't put too much pressure on yourself... just show up and do it. 

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