Jun 3, 2020


I am writing a basic article on how to save money because most people almost have forgot how to do it. Most people love to spend their money for useless things and that's why they end up being broke. The thing is this... if you really want to save money then you will do whatever it takes to discipline yourself and avoid burning cash. Saving money is a special skill, it's so simple but why most people can't do it? why most people are starving to buy something? it's because their happiness is based on the external and not on the internal. Saving money is an internal thing, it's a discipline, it's power. If you can do it and not feel bad about it then you're already set for life, you will not suffer anymore. 

Delaying gratification is power. You stop getting envy with people who are buying flashy things, you keep your money as soon as you have it, you're wise where you are putting your money, you are investing it, you are trying to make it grow... this is a strong mentality. All you need to do is stop getting envy with other people who have fancy things, all you have to do is believe in yourself that you don't need anything to become happy. Be yourself, all you need is yourself, all you need is your hard work and ability to endure anything and you're already attractive. 

People who have goals in life, people who were focused on their own lives are more attractive than those who are trying to impress other people. Because broke people will spend everything they have just to make other people believe that they have money. But the truth is they are broke, the truth is they are stuck in a rat race, they're stuck in a rut that they can't get out. So you don't need to buy expensive things just to impress your friends. If they like you they like you, if they don't then they don't, so be it. You don't need to impress those morons and try to be like them, all you need to do is be yourself, don't get jealous with other people and just focus on your philosophy and that is to make more money and stop living from paycheck to paycheck.  

Start now, whenever you earn money... don't buy it, practice delayed gratification. Save money and when you're already in a position where you can spend without having to worry about a few months then spend. There is a time for spending your money, there is a time for saving. If you don't have money for now then tighten your seat belt. Stop using your money for nonsense things just make yourself feel a little good. The rich people are those who are ok having nothing, those who are ok not impressing other people just to look good and impressive. You can feel rich by simply saving, you can feel successful by growing a little bit and not trying to look cool all the time. 

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