Apr 2, 2020


If you think that you're already tired... you're wrong, you're not yet tired, your body is not tired yet... your mind is. If your mind is tired then your body will become tired too. You have to trick your mind that it's not tired yet so that you can do more and push more. Always think that all you need to do is do the next step and that's it. Don't think about the last step, don't think about finishing it right away, be in the moment and enjoy what's going on. You can always reset the level of fatigue of your mind through meditation or simply breathing. Relax, there is nothing to worry about, what will happen will happen but you need to give yourself a chance to enjoy the moment and be happy with your life. Detach from the things that are making you suffer like traffic, people you hate, people you want to please, things that are not happening, problems etc. The more you think about the things and subjects that are making your life difficult... the more stressed you become. Just breathe because everything will be alright, nothing bad will happen to you.

If you need to do something, if you feel you need to do it... do it now, stop waiting because the more you wait the more your mind will think and if your mind is always thinking it means it's worrying, just do it, forget about the difficulty of it and take it step by step. You will be able to finish it in just a matter of time so relax and simply have fun doing it. Be yourself, don't rush, don't judge your work and simply have fun... work hard, take it seriously but don't forget the happiness that you can feel while doing it. You can be happy while working hard, you can avoid stress by taking it one step at a time. There is no need to rush, there is a sense of urgency but there is no need to panic. Your mind will become more tired if you are rushing and pushing too much. Don't waste time but always see to it that you are having fun while doing your work.

Your mind can stay fresh all day if you are happy and not stressed with your situation, the truth is... you can stay calm and happy during stressful situation. It's all about learning to enjoy chaos and learning how to detach from the outcome. So what if your boss will get mad at you? so what if you can't make it right? just keep moving forward and never quit. Always remember that good things will happen if you persevere. But for now... just enjoy the show, enjoy what's going on, it's possible to have a lot of fun during difficult times. It's just a matter of not acting like you deserve respect or deserve to get respected. Always remember that you are nothing and you have nothing to lose. If you can live with that kind of mindset then life will be so much easier for you. 

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