Apr 30, 2020


Don't worry, nobody noticed it, nobody sees it, it's a beautiful mistake. If you can pretend and stay calm and act as if nothing happen then nobody will notice it. It's a beautiful mistake, if you didn't care after committing it... it's a beautiful mistake. If your confidence didn't diminish and your willpower gets stronger and stronger and you want to try again... it's a beautiful mistake, it will lead you toward the correct step the next time you try. Nobody will remember it, so stop making it a big deal, never let it destroy your confidence, just keep moving forward all the time and still get what you want, finish what you are ought to finish.

Most people are worried about committing a mistake, they don't know that it's the path to freedom and development, it's the path to success. If you're afraid to make a mistake then you will never succeed, as simple as that, as simple as it sounds. So keep making mistakes, take risks, go all out every single day, embarrass yourself, ask for a better option, ask for a best opportunity, don't be afraid to ask for more and get rejected. If you are trying and not afraid to get embarrassed... it only means you really want it. If you are trying and you fail... that failure will lead you to a better situation in the future, you have the lessons in your pocket, you already knew what to do, you already knew what not to do... so keep making mistakes, it's a beautiful mistake, it has benefits, it has nothing to do with your capability to win. A mistake is just a mistake, everybody commits it, everyone make mistakes every now and then. So don't make it a big deal if people laughs at you, just keep moving forward and show hem your spirit, show them your animus, display an insane willpower that will shut their mouths. Your willpower and tenacity will scare them, they will think that you're a different kind of animal.

SO don't be afraid to try again, show them that you want it so bad and you're willing to do whatever it takes to win. Keep making mistakes, keep trying, it's a beautiful mistake because the intention is good, the intention is to simply win and do the job. If you still feel confident after making a mistake... they will not even notice that you commit one, you can still act like nothing happened, you can still take control of the situation. Confidence is the key here, never feel that you've been embarrassed, stay calm and stay focused, you know what you want and you're going to get it, stick with the game plan no matter what. Don't be afraid to look like a fool, its only just a matter of time before you win. Just keep persevering, just keep taking actions, this is just a matter of numbers, the more you try the bigger the chances of winning... as simple as that. 

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