May 5, 2019


What are you doing with your life? there are supporters watching you, there are good friends and family members who trusted you, who are you to slow down and quit? you are just disrespecting their hope for you, you are not giving them any chance to see you win, how come yo waste the trust of the people around you? what are you doing with your life? what's that kind of thinking? what's that weak effort all about? what's the negativity inside of your brain all about? you need to step up your game because a lot of people believe in you.

Start turning your life around, change your energy everyday, make yourself motivated, it's ok if you fake it till you make it. Fake that you're working hard until you're really working hard, fake that you're confident until you're really confident. Faking it simply means showing up, it simply means starting and acting like you're already it until you become it.

Never stop yourself, just do your very best, you must be at the edge of your skill if you want to be on top. So stop acting like weak, stop acting like it's all over for you because your journey is just starting. Never take the trust of people who supports you for granted, never waste their hope for you, be inspired that they are believing you, you must go all in every single day and hope for the best, push yourself to the limits and never believe that you're going to fail. Believe in yourself even more, work hard even more and never waste your life for nothing.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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