Aug 30, 2017


1. You are losing your creativity. Because you think that other people are right and you need to follow them... you are losing your creativity because you are following their way, you don't trust your creativity anymore, you are losing the real you. Your mind was bombarded with their ideas. You don't trust your instincts, you think that they are better than them because they are all similar and you are different.

2. You are losing your uniqueness. You are not being genuine anymore because of comparing yourself to others, you get overwhelmed with the crowd because of their numbers. By looking at other people's work or life... you will get some ideas that will influence your mind and you will apply those ideas into your own life even if you are not 100 percent sure that you like it. You will be forced to follow them and copy them and you will forget the gifts that was given to you since the day that you were born.

3. You are losing your confidence. You don't trust yourself anymore because you always think that they are right because just like I said... most of them are similar. They have similar ideas, they have similar way of living, they have similar approach when it comes to facing challenges. You think that you are wrong because you are a little bit weird. You will see your indifference with other people by comparing yourself with them. You will see your weakness and flaws. Sometimes those are really not flaws, you just think that they are flaws because you are different.

4. You are wasting a lot of time. Instead of following your own path... you will take their path, you will do what you don't like and that is a complete waste of time. You will begin doing something that you don't really love and in the end you will realize that you shouldn't follow them because you are not happy. You will realize in the end that you should have followed your heart because everything is not going well now because the love isn't there anymore. You will lose passion and desire if you compare yourself to others. 

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