Aug 27, 2017


If you are ok with being stressed and tired and manage to still push despite of feeling those negative emotions... you will thrive. You will become a superstar, you will reach a new level that not everyone can reach. Because the truth is... everyone is tired, lazy and stressed and they cannot do something about it. They complain about it, they whine about it, they feel unblessed and cursed that is why they cannot change their lives.

If you're a person who is not afraid to get tired and stressed then you will be able to go further, it means you are maximizing your life and you are pushing yourself to become successful. It means you love progress and improvement. And speaking of improvement... it can only be achieved through hardwork and pain. You will never improve if all you want is comfort and victory. In life, you cannot win all the time, you cannot feel good all the time. You need to embrace negative emotions if you really wanted to succeed.

Everyone is complaining and acting like a bitch, everyone is so sick and tired of their life that is why they don't want to try something else, that is why they don't want to push anymore. If you can manage to push through despite of pain and discomfort then you will be able to make dramatic improvement to your life.

Just embrace the stress, embrace the process. Never complain and never stop taking baby steps. It's all about improving everyday and embracing the grind, it's all about who is willing to move and take actions despite of the traffic, high prices of gasoline and products, falling economy, recession, low salary and any other small problems that doesn't even matter. What matters is you are willing to move and fight for your life, what matters is you are willing to change your situation and give everything you got to attain a different status in life.

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