Oct 26, 2022


Be in the moment and just give your best, this the best way to become unstoppable. Stop thinking about the future, stop thinking about what people are doing to say and just give your very best, it's ok to be scared but never stop moving... ever. You are stoppable, you can easily be stop because you're not allowing yourself to just do it, you're too attached with the outcome, you're not loosed, you're too scared to fail. Stop focusing on what you don't want, stop being lazy and slow and go for the kill. Always keep moving forward no matter what, do something even if it's not making an impact, keep pushing because you will be rewarded if you're giving your full maximum effort. 

Recognize that you are the only one who is stopping yourself, you're acting like a weak clown, you're not moving, you're not doing anything. You need to make yourself like a machine, become relentless by simply starting and following through, if you need to finish something... finish it right away and never think about getting tired. Most people were so afraid to get tired, they're so afraid to take the first step because they don't want their efforts to get wasted. They want an assurance before they work hard and that's why they're stuck and not progressing. If you want to evolve or improve your situation a little bit then you need to force yourself to move and do something, take baby steps, never look for an easy way out, forget comfort and just do what is needed. 

Just say it, just write it, talk it, jump it, ride it, drive it, answer it, play it, finish it, start it, don't ever let your mind go blank and procrastinate, don't ever let yourself be stuck on the same place forever and overthinking. Just do something now, move your body, use your mind, use your hands and feet. Your body is made for moving and not for stopping, life is all about the flow and not about being stuck. If you want to have a better life then you better be patient and trust the process, you better be aware of what's going on around you and keep moving forward even if it's too uncomfortable. Because you will regret it in the end if you will just take your life for granted, one day time will come and you will wish that you can go back to the past because you wanted to do more, but it's game over for you. So while you still have a lot of time now... don't waste any second, use all of your time for your growth, use all of your time to chase your dreams. Test yourself, make yourself a beast, discipline yourself and forget about anything that is stopping you. Always remember that the time is now, what the hell are you waiting for? you will never get lucky if you keep on waiting. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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