Oct 28, 2022


Stay humble, stay committed, stay hungry and never think that you're great already. You still need to work hard and give everything you've got so that your lever will never go down. Stay grounded, stay down to earth and never think that what you did is enough to stay on top, success is fleeting, you're going down every time you're wasting time and feeling relaxed. You must be fast, you must stay committed and focused, you must stop acting like a king even though you haven't got big yet. It's time to work, the small winnings or small success is nothing, you can do better than that. Just because you earned a small amount of money doesn't mean you have the right to celebrate and throw a loud party. This is what broke and failures do... they celebrate all the time for the cheap success that they get and that's why tomorrow they're struggling so bad again. 

Make pushing as your number one habit, you should enjoy pushing yourself to do what you hate to do but is important. Make disciplining yourself as a game, always think that you're evolving every time you discipline yourself. Most people can't practice delayed gratification because they don't believe that they are evolving by doing that, they simply want to have fun and feel good and that's why their lives in the end is miserable and disgusting. Discipline yourself, just take actions now instead of procrastinating and doing a lot of mindless scrolling, doing something positive and working hard is 100x better than doing nothing at all. Never waste this day, today is an opportunity to evolve a little bit. Believe in the power of compound effect, do something consistently and you will become a master of it. You don't need fast results, you don't need to become great right away, enjoy the slow improvement, enjoy making small progress and never stop. 

If you won today work harder tomorrow, the cycle never stop, this is a lifestyle, this is a commitment t greatness. You owe it to yourself to become great, you need to keep pushing and keep pounding until you get on top. Stop wasting a lot of time doing nonsense that entertains you for now but will make you depress later. Most activities were trap, it's burning your time and making you feel good a little bit but will bring misery in the end. You have to be mindful of what you're doing, if what you're doing is not making you better then it is a wrong action. Ask yourself if what you're doing or thinking is putting you on a better position to succeed. Every second you are training yourself to become better or worse. Hard work and right actions is making you better on the other hand laziness and negativity is making you worse. Not working for yourself is making you worse, it's making you feel a little bit better now but wait for a few months or weeks and you will feel so weak, you will lose your confidence. 

So if you're hot then keep the fire burning, if the momentum is on your side then keep pushing, never stop, never settle, never relax, just keep moving forward and do whatever it takes to win in life. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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