Jul 6, 2022


You're a grown ass man, you already watched a lot of porn films, you already kissed a girl, you already experienced a lot of problems. So stop treating yourself like a baby because you're not young anymore. It's time to take life seriously, it's time to stay away from trouble and stupid stuffs. It's time to go hard and stop being soft, it's time to work as hard as you can and forget if you're already damn tired. Because most of the time you're treating yourself like a baby, you're pampering yourself, you're treating yourself all the time even if you haven't achieve anything yet, in other words... you are allowing yourself to become weak, you're not maximizing your strength, you're acting like a child that has no idea of what's going on. Of course you know what's going on... you're making a lot of excuses, you're allowing yourself to become slow and unproductive. 

Become a beast, become an animal, someone who is not afraid of taking actions. Someone who is not thinking and just focus on taking actions. Stop overthinking because it will kill you, it will only make matters worse. You have to just do it, pull the trigger and never stop. Wake up, stop pretending to be weak and just push as hard as you can. Push yourself to the limits and always remind yourself that no matter what you feel right now... you can still take the next step. You can still do something positive that will put you on a best position to succeed. Stop wasting time, stop doing a lot of stupidity and turn yourself into a monster. Trust the process and never give up.

Your life is too easy, your job is too easy, millions of people will trade their lives with your life. The reason why you're having a hard time is because you don't appreciate your position in life right now. You're complaining too much, you're acting weak, you're acting like a diva, you're treating yourself like a baby. It's time to create a new identity, it's time to stop being soft and start taking matters into your own hands. Stop being passive and start being active. You have to allow yourself to take massive actions, allow yourself to become the beast that you've been dreaming of. It's too simple.. work as hard as you can and follow through, stay consistent and never complain when things are hard. If it is hard then you have to be harder. 

The time for being soft is over, you are a mature individual now, you need to accept that life is really ain't easy and that you need to move faster and decide bolder if you want to win in life. Stop thinking that something is hard, it's hard because you're not focused on it, it's hard because you have a lot of stupid S*its going on. It's time to try something new, stop treating yourself like a baby and create a new identity. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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