Jul 5, 2022


They say repeating something over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity. Maybe it's true but what if that's the only process you want to do? what if you're enjoying it too much? it's also true that if it feels really good then how can it be wrong? if you want to repeat the same process as yesterday and you want a different result then just increase the intensity. Do more, work harder, give it more time, be faster, double your effort. If you can increase the intensity then you are altering the energy, a different momentum will be created. Go harder than yesterday, be more disciplined and serious. If you can increase the intensity the you will attract victory, as simple as that. 

You don't need to think what is wrong with what you're doing, you just need to become faster, do more and never think if you will succeed or not, trust the process and never give up, increase the intensity and never feel tired even if you already worked for a lot of hours. It's too simple, ask yourself if you're giving your all, if not then that's the problem... you are holding yourself back, you really don't believe in yourself. Because if you really believe in yourself then you will give your very best and push yourself to the limits, you will never be scared to fail, you will work from the beginning until the end because you just knew victory was already yours if you give your 100 percent. But the problem is most of the time you're only giving your 50 percent or even less, you can do more but you choose to relax and take it easy, you're so afraid of getting tired but getting less, you're so afraid to fail that's why you don't want to see what is possible if you go all in. 

Just take the next step and that's it. Forget about the fast, forget about what may happen next and just take the next step. Don't think too much, thinking is for the losers, you have to focus on taking actions and never ever doubt the process. Lock in and stay focused, stay with the grind, hustle like there's no more tomorrow, never go back, feel no regrets because at the end of the day it's not about winning or losing... it's about giving your all and not giving up. Quitting is for the losers, if you don't want to be labeled as a loser then you need to keep fighting for what you want. Never feel satisfied of a small improvement, you have to push for more and be more, desire the biggest prize that you can think of. Always remember that it's only just a matter of time before you win, just a little more patience and increase of intensity will make you go further. It's now or never, what the hell are you waiting for? pull the trigger and increase the intensity. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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