Dec 14, 2018


Sometimes working hard is very tiring especially if you're not seeing any results anymore, you feel like being stuck in a mud, you can't see any hope anymore. But it is what it is, you still need to keep plodding, you still need to do something that will give you a little bit of hope. Take actions and never hope for the best, never think that everything will turn out as expected. Life is really hard, sometimes no matter how you work hard you still can't see changes in your life.

But you can't stop working hard because it's your only chance, if you will stop working then nothing will happen in your life. The best thing to do is keep working hard and never look for results, let the results come in naturally. Forget about being successful, forget about making it to the top and getting all the money in the world. Just keep working, make it your culture, enjoy the process, be a non stop worker, so what if you are wasting a lot of your time, at least you are giving your best. Working hard and giving your very best will make you not experience regrets. We only experience regrets because of the time that we wasted.

Stop wasting time and just go all out, lose your mind, be creative, try everything, give everything you've got. It's not over until it's over, you keep feeling bad because you're always looking for results, you're always checking your status, forget the status and just keep working. One day it will happen, one day it's going to be yours, just be patient, it's ok to rest sometimes but the moment your energy is back... keep working again, that is how to become great, that is how to become phenomenal. Working hard everyday and not checking for results will make you reach your goals faster than expected. Because always looking for results will drain a lot of your energy, it will make you feel frustrated.

Just keep moving, never mind if you are right or wrong, just keep doing it. Do it over and over again. Results will come, just trust the process, one day it will all be yours.

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