Dec 10, 2018


The number one way to get rid of your worries and fears is to be all in in the moment, whatever is happening... be aware of it, embrace it, deal with it, don't fight it don't resist it... go all in in the moment. That's how to live life, you need to enjoy what is going on and do something if you can do something about it.

Stop holding yourself back, stop resisting, do what you need to do and feel the momentum slowly building, feel life.

Always embrace your emotions. Embrace the difficulty, embrace the pain, embrace happiness... never try to fast forward or else you will be in big trouble.

Embrace the failure, embrace the downfall, embrace all the process.. be all in so you will enjoy life even more. Never try to refuse to experience what is going on with the world, may it be painful or fun... embrace those moments. It feels so alive to be in the moment, feel the fear, feel the joy, feel the excitement but don't ever rush, you need to always calm down.

It;s all about feeling it, using your mind, looking around, thinking a little bit and knowing what you really want. It's not about controlling, it's not about resisting, it's about giving yourself the path to become happy.

Never try to rush things, never try to fast forward because it means not living life, staying away and trying to get rid of discomfort fast means you don't want to live life. Just feel it, life is feeling it, life is allowing things to happen and trying to lessen the control.

It's ok if you don't know... keep being lost, it's ok if you are losing... keep failing, what matters is you are all in in the moment and you are honestly ok with what is going on. If it hurts then it hurts but you need to feel it, you need to enjoy it because feeling it is the realest you can get.

Life gets easier if you are all in in the moment, you are 100 percent aware of your feelings and what is going on, you don't mind the future, you don't care about the past anymore. You are not trying to wait for the next thing to happen, you simply live it second by second.

It's ok to have a blue print, it's ok to have a plan but make sure you will never try to rush the process. Wait if you need to wait, get bored if you need to get bored, you will learn a lot of things if you are all in in the moment. You will feel that life is longer if you will just live it.

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